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Budgewoi Beach


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Hi Raiders,

I don’t post fishing reports very often because I don’t have a great deal of success but that is improving. I just couldn’t let this one go by without making mention. Sunday dawned with the prospect of a trip up the central Coast to see the father in law & I sure as hell wasn’t looking forward to that parking lot they call the M3 on the way home. However my wife put forward an idea that may improve the trip. Pack the beach rods she said & we can fish the rising tide till around lunch time & go & visit Dad afterwards. Now I liked that thinking & packed a couple of rods & some pillies & off we went. We stopped at the bait shop at Budgewoi & asked what’s on & was told bugger all….. no bream & only an odd salmon around now & then. But who can be disappointed with the possibility of catching nothing when it was such a gorgeous day. So with very little experience at picking a good spot on a beach we stumbled across a great big hole with a nice deep gutter. With only light gear I rigged up & Nicky tossed out some worms on her rod while I rigged up a little heavier & tossed out a pillie on a 3 hook gang. And we waited….. and waited… and after an hour or so a few other blokes turned up & they looked like they knew what they were doing & they set up right next to us so I guess we were in the right spot. Nick was doing no good chasing bream & I took some gear back too the car & upon returning to our spot Nick pointed out a big black patch of sea just past the sand bar. A big school of salmon had cruised inshore. So out goes the pille again & in 10 minutes whack….. I’m onto my fist salmon. After a short battle a very nice looking Aussie salmon is on the sand. After a few pics it’s slipped back into the white water to fight another day. On goes another Pillie & I cast it out into the deep hole. Another 10 minutes & I’m on again. This time tho it’s a bigger specimen & it’s taking some drag & putting up a much better account of itself. But after 5 minutes it too is smiling for the camera & soon scooting off back into the surf. After that the school moved along the beach close to swimmers so I was unable to chase them but I was more than happy to have landed my first 2 salmon. We didn’t measure them but both were in the 55 – 60cm region. A pretty good fathers day in the end. Now I can’t wait to hook a few of these on light tackle from the boat.

Pics to follow.



Edited by kingys what kingys?
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Great report. Those salmon can sure put up a fight. I recently caught a 50cm salmon off the beach. Great fun on light gear!

A good start to fathers day for you.

Good photos.



Edited by peterS
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Quality Sambos.. nice catch from the beach. :thumbup:


This was only my second beach fish ever after having a 5 hours session with a good mate of your favourite charter operator. Highly recomended Al showed us everything from worming to how to catch big whitting. This time tho it was the sambos & for only my 2nd session I think we did ok.


Edited by kingys what kingys?
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