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Success For Peter's First Blackie Outing!


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Hi guys

Well, Peter & I hit the wall at lunchtime (just on turn of the tide.) The water was really dirty, so they must have had a lot more rain up-river than us! I checked out Pete's gear & made a slight modification or two, put 6lb fluoro on instead of 15lb mono for the trace & separated the weights from the float with another swivel using the 15lb 'ex' trace! Ready to rock & roll!

Pete baits up & tosses his line into the water, fairly close to the wall & says - "oh, I think I am snagged already!" Then the snag shook it's head!! He nearly fell off his rock! "I'm on!!" was the cry! :thumbup: He immediately reefed the fish in towards him & I was trying to say 'Don't rush him' when the line came flying out of the water ...... it had spat the hook! I had seen the fish near the top of the water & it was a good one! :ranting2: It was what we call a 'sleeper' - they are chewing the bait, but the float doesn't move! You only know you have it on when you reel in to check the bait! That really got him excited & he cast out again. Plenty of small downs, but the bail arm of his reel was giving him grief & not shutting when it should, & opening when it shouldn't! :ranting2: Just missed out on getting a new reel for Fathers Day too!! :(

Soon after, I was on next to a throwback & then I got a nice keeper about 35cm. Further up the wall, we could see the 'guns' were pulling fish in, but we were happy to stay where we were, just the 2 of us.

Pete was onto the next good fish, & I suggested he hold the rod tip up high & let it do the work & act as a shock absorber. This he did & played the fish a bit longer. He was all hands & legs, so I helped out by netting his first serious blackie .....you couldn't wipe the :biggrin2: off his face!!! He was Really chuffed! The tide was picking up speed & they were biting closer to the wall this time, so we had to 'run the snags' to get the fish. I got busted off a couple of times, then hooked up another one similar to Pete's size (35cm) & got him to the net.

post-2231-1189147731_thumb.jpg Peter's first decent blackie

Pete hooks & drops 2 more fish, before getting his final fish for the day - a nice 30cm one, which he nets expertly himself!

Things then went a bit quiet, but Pete got more practise with his casting & was great at adjusting his stopper for different depths. At this point in time, both our backs were giving us a bit of grief, so we packed it in for the day!

All up, a great day's fishing & one very happy New Blackfisherman!! Peter has also joined up Fishraider, so keep an eye out for Greendog's reports!

Cheerio for now


When we were walking down the path back to our cars, we looked at the water's edge & a school of about 50+ blackies went past & some of them were huge!! They'll have to wait till next time!

Edited by Roberta
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To Roberta

Thanks for the Welcome to BLACKFISHING. I have lived in Forster for 10 months and have finally managed to land my first FISH!!!! Your patience and lessons have been much appreciated. Now I have the knowhow to go to the breakwall and feel confident that if there are fish there I might be lucky to land 1 or 2.

Greendog (PETER)

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Hi Roberta & :1welcomeani: Peter


I sometimes go to Forster and like to drop a line in along the breakwall or under the bridge. Never caught blackies tho (never fished for them)

Looks like you are both truly mastering the art - I may see you there one day and give you both the secret FIshraider greeting!! (when one gets made up)

Edited by Webby
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Hi guys

No Worries, Peter!! My pleasure! I have enjoyed our outings! Peter is a natural at Blackie fishing!! I look forward to many more outings with him!

Hi Ceph - watch out, you'll become addicted, like the rest of us!

Hey Webby - next time you are up here, give Peter & me a yell & we'd love to hit the wall with you & hopefully get you into some fish!! There are some huge ones under the bridge ... but they are fining people that moor under the Tuncurry span now!

GregL - that would really be fun - 30!!!!! Chasing them from the boat & hopefully with less rocks/structure than we have to stay clear of, here!



Edited by Roberta
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