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The Murk


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G'day raiders

I was wondering if anyone knows how to access the Murk at bondi

do u need rope?

whereabout do you enter from?

and any other general knowledge about that place would be greatly appreciated.

Cheers Jin

hey there injay!!

haha im glad you asked for the first time i can be of help to someone on this forum!!! alright so here it is, the merc (at least i think thats how its spelt, although it might have somethign to do with my fetish for cars)... ill give you some all round info on the spot ya, so you know exactly what to expect if you do decide to go there

now, the merc is beyond the golf course on top of bondi, so this is the first thing to watch out for - the golf course is fairly obvious as its got metal mesh near the kerb, and a big white tower in the middle of it. but, to avoid big confusion, look at the tower carefully, there are 2 along the road - the first one you see is the one in the middle of the golf course. its NOT a light house, and it just juts out of the ground. the second is a light house. stop and park when you see the first one, but i recommend you park behind the mesh fence... nothing quite like coming back from fishing and seeing your windscreen smashed with a golf ball smiling up at you from the seat...

anyway, after you get out, walk towards the cliff - on your left should be the white tower, and beyond that the sewage plant... on your right, its a little harder to describe... if you look carefully along the cliff, you will come to a sign that says 'forbidden' or something like that. if youve reached there, youve gone too far - the entrance is between that forbidden sign and the white tower... if you peer over the side of the cliff, (and this is yoru most definitive indication) you should see 2 small islands in the water, with a bigger one close to shore and the smaller one about 10 or 15 m further out... on top of the big island (or rock) are 2 metal poles standing upright... from teh cliff though i think you may only be able to see the bigger one... anyway, if you can locate these 2 rock islands, that is exactly where the merc is

now, like i said before, the entrance is between the big pole and the forbidden sign, and if you have located the 2 rock islands, the entrace is slightly to the right of that... it is fairly difficult to find, so ill describe it in detail - oh one more thing, next to the forbidden sign is a small hill/hump... i think its the tee off point for the 5th hole, although i cant remember exactly - the entrance to the merc is near there... anyway, when you get to the edge of the cliff, the first thing to look for is grass growing on quite a steep slope, with a zig zaggy path cut through it - walk down there. if you look carefully where youre walking, you will see rocks that have a tinge of rust color to them.... they have eroded uniquely, youll know what im talking about when you see it... keep goign down, it looks heaps scary but then you should come to stacked stones that resemble stairs - they have a bit of cement on them... now, you are almost at the edge of the cliff, maybe 1m from the edge, so dont keep going, turn left - look carefully, you will see a single metal pole jutting out over a ledge... thats where the ladder is... go towards it, being very careful... when you descend that ladder, remember ONE AT A TIME cos its old and rusty... after that, there you go you are at the merc...

now ive told you how to find it, heres some personal opinions i have of the place

CLEATS are absolutely necessary if you dont want to die, because it is slippery as hell there

be bloody careful abotu the waves, because even though youre at least 10 feet above the water, at 3/4 high tide some freak waves can wash over the rocks...

ok to be honest, seriously, i dont htink its a particularly fantastic fishing spot... the conditions there are extreme... the wind is usually quite strong, its slippery as hell, theres no cellphone reception (to dial 000 that is), and seriously, i havnt had the greatest success there, espcially given the conditions... what it is good for though, is there no one can call you, bother you, no nothing, you just sit there and relax...

now about the fishign - if you do decide to go there, you will notice the waves just below you are huge swells, and im not sure if theres much to be picked up there... so you really have to cast a long way out... you can try using a weighted float, gang hooks, pilchards, 4.5 m float stop, drift it out at leas 100 m (beyond the last rock island, there is a drop off to about 25 meters deep... there should be some good fish there)... oh and dont forget baitmate... after spending 15 minutes drifting out that far, wouldnt you just hate it if that voice inside your head said 'yep, bait's fallen off now'... my brother picked up a huge salmon last time we were there, but that is all we got for the whole day... and to make it worse, after a 100m wind, the salmon dived beneath the rocks and snapped the line on some barnicles - which is the next point - the water is about 10 feet below you, its pretty damn hard to get something up if the fish was decent sized... you can try cliff gaff or super long (7m+) gaff there, but with the waves pounding the rocks, as if youd want to jsut sorta lean over a little... and also, with the swells being so huge, the fish goes up and down too so its quite easy to drop it... and of course, the fish doesnt stay still like i tell it to... it does random stuff like dive underneath the rocks and then snap, lots of loud evil words are shouted...

oh but there is one thing though, if you want to, after you reach the merc, keep goign around the side and then keep goig some more - you will eventually come to a metal wire that's been attached to a ledge on the cliff - if you can just make that 7m climb, and keep going some more, you will come to a patch of water that i hear is very deep, and makes for some real good fishing... but, getting back from there and climbing down a metal wire rope with a 200kg+ black marlin slung over your shoulder is another story...

so there, all i know about the place... in the 4 or 5 times i have been there, between me and all my buddies we have caught - 1 salmon, dropped but huge... 1 port jackson (oh what joy.)... 1 eel... 1 scorpion fish, about a billion rock cod, and i saw someone pull up a squid there but it wasnt big at all... oh and just in case you wanted to try bottom fishign there, expect to go through at least 2 or 3 packets of hooks....


Ok, if its just info you wanted, stop reading because the following is an anecdote of my first trip to the merc, or thereabouts

first time i went there, i asked my friend where is the ladder he goes its really easy to see, just go to the golf course, and you can see it... so i went there, and you know what? NO LADDER... me and my brother were thinking hell, we'd made the effort to be here at 4am, ladder or not, fishign must happen... plus, what, its like just gravity and rocks and water... as if that would hurt... so we got to the part that says 'forbidden', and yep, we climbed down... got down there, and just to make it all a bit better, NO FISH... hmmm... so we got bored, and decided to climb around... so we climbed along the cliff all the way to underneath where those houses are, and then to the corner of the cliff where if you peered over, you could see bondi beach... dangerous? hell yeah, but it was an amazing experience... i dont thnk that place has ever been touched by humans...anyway, that was that!! i have some photos but dont know how to attach.. boooo....

anyway haha so there dude, hope you have fun, and let us know how you go eh!!

Edited by dani!o
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So from what your saying the merc is

not far from ben buckler then, north bondi golf course?

From what he is saying is this spot is one of the most dangerous rock spots in the country and has a reputation for taking anglers from its slippery ledge and they are never seen again :(

This spot should be avoided at all costs ,there are much better spots to fish.

Regards Stewy

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