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Today after alot of umming and arrring i decided to head down to Garie Beach by myself for a few hours. So when i got there i was looking around to see if anyone else had caught any fish no one did but i thought im here might as well have a crack. So i set up thre a line in and waited, i was sitting there probably for half an hour then bang onto my first one reeled him in and quickly set up again threw that one in and not even 2 mins later onto another and this happened almost every time after that aswell. Although i wasnt watching my bait and when i turned around the sea gulls had piched half my pillies haha :mad3:.

I used a 12ft surf rod with a not so good reel with a swivel and a free moving sinker with about 2 foot between the hookand the first swivel, and just used size 4 gang hooks with full pilchards on.

These are the first fish i have caught in about 6 months and i had another 2 on but one snapped the line and another one got off just before i cause get him up.

Cheers Chris :beersmile:



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Well done, Chris!! You have to watch out for those pesky seagulls! I had a baited hook on the sand once & one came down & snaffled it! It couldn't work out why it could only fly 10ft into the sky before falling down again!! I covered it with a cloth & removed the hook from its mouth! Now if I am baiting hooks on the beach, if I don't toss it out immediately, I cover it with sand!



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Thanks roberta, i have to admit i need to throw out a big thankyou to Chris (Crazedfisherdude) for pointing me in the right direction and giving me a few pointers, but other then that i did well for an hour session, yeah the exact same thing happened today 2 guys were fishing off the beach and when i looked at them the rod was going nutsand i saw the line go straight up and the guy was looking the the water to see where it was. haha it was so funny

Edited by Chriso_87
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