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Fishing Around Karuah


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Hey "raiders" just wondering if I could get a bit of input, I'm toying with the idea of putting my Stessl Edge Tracker 9.9 tinnie in the water around Karuah, I've only seen a few boats on the water up there, mainly the oyster dudes. I thought....... oysters, oyster beds, BREAM, shallow water, FLATTIES.......................

Can any of you blokes, ladies point me in the right direction please??

I am also planning staying weekends at Karuah on my weekends off, if the fishing is half reasonable, as I live an hour and twenty minutes from there. Anyway, please help. Thanks a bunch...


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Hi Hobbitt

I've heard of people getting into good fish off the swimming pool enclosure there on the old highway - from bream, blackies & flatties thru to big jewies!

Here is some info I gleaned from the net ...

ESTUARY - Large Flathead to 4 Kg being caught on hard body and plastics in Little Swan Bay and the associated creeks up as far as Allworth.

Bream to 1.5 kg caught using mullet strips and gut at Tahlee and Carrington around the Oyster Leases. spot and Sand White are plentiful at the moment again being caught at Tahlee and Carrington, Shark Bar, Number One Channel and above the boat Ramp.

Blackfish (Luderick) being caught und the old Karuah Bridge on sea cabbage. The Boulders are producing Bream and Whiting using mullet and Beach worms.

Check out the local tackle shops - they should be able to put you onto some fish!



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Hey hobbit, i used to fish round that area quite a bit and along the mangroves near the karuah jetty provide some very nice flatties, and yes you were correct in saying those oyster leases between the bridge and the jetty hold some beefy bream. a little further east of the jetty are some great driftin ground for a whole variety of fish from whiting through to thumper flounder. Oh and if you are into crabs id certainly reccomend setting some traps as ive caught man huge blue swimmers and muddies around the area before. Bait i found the best was chicken or fresh prawns. Have fun as i would regard the karuah area especially between the bridge and the jetty to be one of my favorite places fish. Hope that helped.



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