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Tamarama Again 21-22 Sept


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so, after work, went to see local fishing shop to get some gear and info, and was recommended to go tamarama again last night....

rig used was slightly different, it was a 2 hook paternoster, with the 1 triple gang on top with a 3/0 below, rig was about 1.3m long, and i had some glow tubing on the line tied to the hooks.... trace was 20lb, main line was 20 too... targeting salmon and tailor...particularly tailor...

got to tamarama at about 1 30, with the high tide at 3 30, and fished till 7..... got


omg so pissed off me and my brother were there the WHOLE NIGHT and that was after i had a full day of work damnit if only the sea could hear what i was saying..........we didnt even get a bite the whole night, the bait came back clean as.... and yes, we burleyed with that stimulate pellet stuff, of which we chucked in every 20 - 30 minutes for the first 3 hours and then we jsut gave up... also used some old fish bits soaked in tuna oil....

bait used were - pillies, pipis, squid, and we put a load of that stimulate paste on it the first few hundred times and then we gave up some more....

can someone please tell me what me and my brother are doing wrong??? omg so frustrating... at first, i thought ok a couple of hours before and after high tide should be good... then i thought maybe the fish will come at dusk... and then i thought lets just go to the bloody fish market i just want to hold a fish in my hands and make myself feel better....

booooooooooooooooo what a crap night it was fairly cold too had to eat my dinner (yes i eat dinner at around 2am) in the cold too....

on the other hand though, when we first got there, i didnt realise anyone would be on the beach that late so we walked down ad to my surprise there was a guy and a girl there on the beach, who looked like they were about to leave just as we got there... probably saw our lights as we came down... i wanted to ask them... what are you guys doing on a beach at this hour eh????????????????????????????? something fishyyyyyyyyyyyy.............................

anyway, tight lines all, or at least tighter than me i hope....

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so, after work, went to see local fishing shop to get some gear and info, and was recommended to go tamarama again last night....

rig used was slightly different, it was a 2 hook paternoster, with the 1 triple gang on top with a 3/0 below, rig was about 1.3m long, and i had some glow tubing on the line tied to the hooks.... trace was 20lb, main line was 20 too... targeting salmon and tailor...particularly tailor...

got to tamarama at about 1 30, with the high tide at 3 30, and fished till 7..... got


omg so pissed off me and my brother were there the WHOLE NIGHT and that was after i had a full day of work damnit if only the sea could hear what i was saying..........we didnt even get a bite the whole night, the bait came back clean as.... and yes, we burleyed with that stimulate pellet stuff, of which we chucked in every 20 - 30 minutes for the first 3 hours and then we jsut gave up... also used some old fish bits soaked in tuna oil....

bait used were - pillies, pipis, squid, and we put a load of that stimulate paste on it the first few hundred times and then we gave up some more....

can someone please tell me what me and my brother are doing wrong??? omg so frustrating... at first, i thought ok a couple of hours before and after high tide should be good... then i thought maybe the fish will come at dusk... and then i thought lets just go to the bloody fish market i just want to hold a fish in my hands and make myself feel better....

booooooooooooooooo what a crap night it was fairly cold too had to eat my dinner (yes i eat dinner at around 2am) in the cold too....

on the other hand though, when we first got there, i didnt realise anyone would be on the beach that late so we walked down ad to my surprise there was a guy and a girl there on the beach, who looked like they were about to leave just as we got there... probably saw our lights as we came down... i wanted to ask them... what are you guys doing on a beach at this hour eh????????????????????????????? something fishyyyyyyyyyyyy.............................

anyway, tight lines all, or at least tighter than me i hope....

Hi again DANILO,

I've just read your post, it's 5.00 am and I am up waiting on news on the arrival of a north easterly change as I am expecting to go out fishing the Hawkesbury later this morning with Andy Loops if signs of the expected change come in early enough.

What you are experiencing from the day you arrived from New Zealand is an unusually long ongoing southerly influence upon our weather which every fisherman I know to a man is also experiencing poor results just as you are. I don't think you are doing anything much wrong at all, Danilo and when the north easterlies and easterlies settle in and we start having a few warmer days and nights, you will stop catching those wobbiegong sharks and all the other rubbish that thrive during the ongoing southerly shutdowns.

You and your brother are very keen fishermen that's why I sent you over to learn from the regular flathead waders at Yarra Bay a while back.

So keep persevering mate and next time you will probably catch more fish more often than you have been in these aweful conditions most unlike the good fishing conditions we generally have at this time of year

Cheers mate and everyone enjoys your posts and can relate to the problem you are having in catching no many fish and absolutely nothing as you say last night in a well recommended spot in spite of all your long hours of trying and the hard work and effort you put into it.

jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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Hi Danilo

I can well & truly hear the frustration that you are feeling right now! Shame about the quiet trip out to the beach, but as they say "That is fishing!" On occassions, you have to have the Lows so that when you get into a really hot bite, you know you have earned the Highs!!

I can remember a few years back here when my neighbour said "Wait till the tailor are on & you are getting a fish with every cast!" And I thought "Yeah, as if .....' Well, a couple of months later, it happened & I had the whole beach to myself & I was catching good fish with 1/2 a pillie on every cast! I reckon if you threw out a hook with a bit of coloured plastic on it, they would have taken it! It is the first time (and last, by choice) that I bagged out on fish!

Patience Grasshopper - your turn will come! If fishing the beaches, try fishing up towards the headlands. I reckon you will have a better chance of catching there. If the wind is northerly, fish the northern end & if the wind is a southerly, try fishing the southern end - hopefully you'll be protected a bit from the annoying wind!

Good luck


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don't believe the boys about this ongoing southerly airflow...

its not the fish who are shut down, its just the fishos who are.... lol arthritis and cold nights on the beaches don't mix

as long as the wind is bearable, i've had some of my best sessions before during and after big southerly blows....

lose the big sinker and fish in the beach corners,

we have been catching bream trevally and drummer EVERY trip without fail, and thats day time fishin... fish prawns in the wash...

stick with it man...

if in doubt move beaches.....

if i was you i'd fish landbased in botany if you want a bream try the runways...

see here lol it not us but thats what you can expect in beach corners


Edited by flathead fanatic
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don't believe the boys about this ongoing southerly airflow...

its not the fish who are shut down, its just the fishos who are.... lol arthritis and cold nights on the beaches don't mix

as long as the wind is bearable, i've had some of my best sessions before during and after big southerly blows....

lose the big sinker and fish in the beach corners,

we have been catching bream trevally and drummer EVERY trip without fail, and thats day time fishin... fish prawns in the wash...

stick with it man...

if in doubt move beaches.....

if i was you i'd fish landbased in botany if you want a bream try the runways...

That's terrific flathead fanatic The only thing you didnt tell them is that you are a commercial pilot with a little Cessa on the back of your ute :lol: and a drot to move the beaches intercoastal and the excess baggage interstate :074:

Cheers mate, what's your fuel range for the "during" caper :yahoo: you wouldn't sell any tickets for the "before and after" trip :074:

jewgaffer :lol:

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Saturday night was a good night to try the beaches Danilo. The Southerly that blew so hard during the day had died, the barometer was rising and the wind was down. You clearly fished up to and over the high tide, and while tama and bronte aren't great beaches for fishing, they're not terrible either.

Your two-hook patternoster rig seem a bit complex and unwieldy, but it shouldn't have held you back much and no bites at all is a really surprising result. In short - I have absolutely no idea why you didn't catch any fish.

I think you've taken enough advice by this stage about how to fish better, and so there's nothing else I'll offer you in that regard.

What I will say is that it's time you bit the bullet and invited yourself to go fishing with someone who knows what they're doing in Sydney. It could be a Raider, it could be a professional like Alex Belissimo, or it could just be a random that you meet on a local beach - but you need some experienced guidance. You'll never be able to feel confident that you're fishing the right way based on advice that you've read - you need someone who knows what they're doing to watch you rig, bait up AND cast and tell you "yep - that's the right way to do it". There isn't a good fisherman alive who hasn't attached themselves to a more experienced anger for guidance at one time or another.

I'd offer myself except that I'm in the middle of buying my first house and moving in and won't be fishing again locally for about a month. But Raiders are a good bunch - I'm sure there'll be some beach expeditions planned that you can invite yourself to.

Bottom line Danilo is that something's going wrong for you. You're fishing good locations at relatively good times and coming up with zeros on too regular a basis. You could keep on plugging away and hope that something changes, or you could break the cycle by getting some direct assistance.

I should finish off though by noting just how much respect I have for you for having such a committed go at doing it yourself. You have really put in the hours, you've taken advice, modified your fishing style, tried new baits and new spots - basically you've done as good of a job at fishing a new area by yourself as anyone could expect. You may not know it yet - but even through all these unsuscessful attempts you have built up a good base of local knowledge.

I think you've come to a point that all good sportspeople come to Danilo - the point where you need to get some direct coaching to help you move up to the next level. Fortunately - I reckon you're in the right place!!!

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That's terrific flathead fanatic The only thing you didnt tell them is that you are a commercial pilot with a little Cessa on the back of your ute :lol: and a drot to move the beaches intercoastal and the excess baggage interstate :074:

Cheers mate, what's your fuel range for the "during" caper :yahoo: you wouldn't sell any tickets for the "before and after" trip :074:

jewgaffer :lol:

thats pretty funny...seaplane would be better though...

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What ever you decide,


Just think how proud you will be when you crack it.

If you could Guarantee fish on every outing there:

1) There wouldn't be a Seafood Shop to be found ANYWHERE

2) You wouldn't find any vacant stretch of shoreline to fish anyway because the entire population would be out doing it.

3) There would be No skill neccesary, No challenge, No Adreniline, NO FUN!!

and most importantly

4) This web site would be obsolete as everyone would be catching good fish and wouldn't need to BRAG about the WORLD RECORD monster that they just landed after a monumental Battle that lasted several hours in terible conditions with uncountable Malfunctions and debilitating handicaps on the most miniscual diameter of thread in the murkiest, shallowest and most unlikely stretch of water ever fished.

I couldn't live like that, Could You?

Keep trying!

One more word and no more...............



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Well said, Mondo!! If I was in Sydney I would have put my hand up myself to wet a line with you, Danilo!!

Danilo - if you want to learn a bit more about surf fishing from a great bloke (other than Mondo) put out a yahoo & ask for anyone that fishes regularly to include you in their loop - you may have to travel north of the bridge on occassion, but the knowledge gained would be invaluable!!

I found that I had much better hookups when I changed to thin 20lb braid with a longish mono leader, say 12-15lb (in case you got a better fish on.) The braid casts like a dream (I use Tuffline) & you can use lighter sinkers to get out further than if using heavier mono throughout! Keep in mind, tho, you don't always have to cast way out to get good fish!! The braid allows you very sensitive feel of all bites & quicker reaction time, may give you the fish!

Can you catch beach worms? Try & learn the dark art of beach worming (if you come up here, I can teach you!) and you will be surprised how many fish (and the quality) from humble whiting & bream, even flatties & right up to the mighty Jewfish!

Hey - I reckon we should have a Beach Worming Social somewhere ....... there are many Raiders who would like to learn - I got Wildfish & Outdoor Dan into their first worms up at the Entrance Social earlier this year!! Very observant students, they were, too! Both caught on their first lesson!



Edited by Roberta
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What ever you decide,


Just think how proud you will be when you crack it.

If you could Guarantee fish on every outing there:

1) There wouldn't be a Seafood Shop to be found ANYWHERE

2) You wouldn't find any vacant stretch of shoreline to fish anyway because the entire population would be out doing it.

3) There would be No skill neccesary, No challenge, No Adreniline, NO FUN!!

and most importantly

4) This web site would be obsolete as everyone would be catching good fish and wouldn't need to BRAG about the WORLD RECORD monster that they just landed after a monumental Battle that lasted several hours in terible conditions with uncountable Malfunctions and debilitating handicaps on the most miniscual diameter of thread in the murkiest, shallowest and most unlikely stretch of water ever fished.

I couldn't live like that, Could You?

Keep trying!

One more word and no more...............



Brilliant chief Bigfoot !!! :thumbup:

They best be there with a drum each of burley when the south spell turns to n, n/east, east or most of them will have fed and so on.......and they get wobbygongs as usual.......and I get my eels and so on ..... until the cycle goes back around and the fish binge again........ till it's "that's fishing fishing I suppose" and so on........


Hey - I reckon we should have a Beach Worming Social somewhere ....... there are many Raiders who would like to learn - I got Wildfish & Outdoor Dan into their first worms up at the Entrance Social earlier this year!! Very observant students, they were, too! Both caught on their first lesson!

Great idea Roberta Mondo was going to meet a few members up near Wanda and Simon was going to teach them various methods of catching beachworms but I don't know what happened to the all the response after that. I replied that I would drive over for worms early morning and for worms and fish late afternoon into late evening.

Regards Bigfoot & Roberta

jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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Hi Jewgaffer

If logistics were a problem, we could split it, so the south of the bridge folk could go for them down there, the northern folk could go to Collaroy or Narrabeen & if central to mid north coasters wanted to hit Seven Mile Beach with me, it would be a goer!!!!

Mind you, anyone coming up this way are more than welcome to make contact & I'll give them a one on one lesson anyway!! Most of my 'learners' catch on their first session - after that, it is a matter of practise!!!



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Hi Jewgaffer

If logistics were a problem, we could split it, so the south of the bridge folk could go for them down there, the northern folk could go to Collaroy or Narrabeen & if central to mid north coasters wanted to hit Seven Mile Beach with me, it would be a goer!!!!

Mind you, anyone coming up this way are more than welcome to make contact & I'll give them a one on one lesson anyway!! Most of my 'learners' catch on their first session - after that, it is a matter of practise!!!



Hi Roberta . I think this should be organised into small groups of members for training purposes only in one particular type of natural bait collection which in this case will be how to catch beach worms. It will not be a social as such unless the management organises a social as such.

Could you please post a new topic and we'll go from there. I have got to know Mondo by his pm's etc and I will make some arrangements with Simon from this end for a small group of members to meet according to interest in participation.

To become anglers members must first and foremost be familiar with natural bait collection

Regards, Byron

jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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Hi Roberta . I think this should be organised into small groups of members for training purposes only in one particular type of natural bait collection which in this case will be how to catch beach worms. It will not be a social as such unless the management organises a social as such.

Could you please post a new topic and we'll go from there. I have got to know Mondo by his pm's etc and I will make some arrangements with Simon from this end for a small group of members to meet according to interest in participation.

To become anglers members must first and foremost be familiar with natural bait collection

Regards, Byron

jewgaffer :1fishing1:

Byron ,there will be no Socials what so ever on bait gathering .

Socials are a huge job for a lot of very dedicated people to organise and it will never be done on someones whim :ranting2:

End of story.


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Hi everyone

Wow first of all thanks to everyone very much for all the replies!!!

first up, a the bait gathering idea sounds great!!! damn i have another few months of uni before i am finally freeeeeee, after that i might take the drive and drop by...

flathead fanatic - ya i go pretty hardcore regardless of the conditions... i have fished coogee drenched twice - once by the waves and once by the pouring rain, and still fished in the wind for 6 hours... me and my brother that is... but i wanted to ask though, what do you mean beach corners?? like at the end of the beach where it meets the rocks?? i probably should give it a go but i absolutely hate losing rigs and because its usually night i dont want to fall on my bum on some barnicles... but, if tahts where the fish are, then by any means i will GET THERE and FISH THERE and CATCH FISH haha...

mondo - thanks for the advice mate ya its unfortunate you dont have time to come with me and my brother but thats ok life is picking up pace once again because its almost exam time for me so i might see you after that!! i have been chatting up people on the beach but no ones been telling me anything special... although, i did notice my casting distance isnt quite as far as other fishos... all the new reason for a new rod!!! haha... thanks for your compliments i am quite committed maybe slow down for the next little while though will be busy with exams and job interviews and all kinds of stupid things, but soooon i will be free.... my exam is on 14th nov so after that, i will truly be free to fish!!!

bigfoot - thanks for your words dude ya burley is one of those things.... stuff like tuna oil and pillie bits are a bit expensive to chuck into the sea like that... god student life sucks sooooo bad i cant wait to get out... i have been doign my best to hook up with some seafood buffets where people chuck away the prawn shells and crab shells etc i wanted to ask if i can have some of their rubbish so i can use it as burley but haha even that they dont want to give to me... i think they are basically saying eat here more and maybe we can give you something....

roberta - ya the braid sounds quite good eh i will have to check it out next time im at the tackle shop... one of my problems at the moment is casting because my rod, while 3.6m, is quite soft and it tends to flex too much on casting... i dont think there are any beach worms at the eastern sydney beaches, but i certainly would like to catch some... its often said the best bait is fresh... other thing i was thinking was to buy gulp worms... i think they would stay on the hook a bit better and you never know, i might actually catch somethign!!!

jewgaffer - hi mate!!! thanks to you too for your words... come to think of it i havnt headed back to yarra for quite a while now, might try again there soooon... btw mate, i saw one of your early early posts on that spot in roselle, near that hospital and the sydney con of the arts... what do you think?? should i give that a go??

anyway thanks again all, and if you have the time, please check out my new post about my fishign trip to maroubra yesterday... can you guess how many fish i caught???????????????????????????

take care all (im not saying good luck this time i think i desperately need the luck!!!)

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Hi Danilo. Yarra Bay is a pretty good spot in better conditions than you have been fishing in. For example I fished Hawkesbury only yesterday over two tides in known jewfish territory.

We used 3-0 to 6-0 hooks to have a better chance of a bi-catch, misjudging that there would be a chance that the wind change to an easterly direction from the ongoing southerly influence that has had an adverse affect on most types of fishing over many months.

My partner quinfish and myself did manage to get a small jew each, and at times we did not lose a bait for hours on end fishing on a variety of baits at known jew and bi-catch spots and using up to an eight rod spread.

The only bi- catch was an undersize flathead, a couple of sweet tasting parrot fish caught on my bait jig, a number of cat fish, a ray and one of your old specialties in shutdown weather, a wobbygong shark.

I have seen no sign of bream down deep as a bi-catch for months this winter and I fished many times including long two tide sessions with Fishraider members who know what they're doing such as Stewy, Boban, Humesy, thereddraggon and Inhlanzi.

There was no sign of bait fish down deep and the water was too clear on the lower reaches of the Hawkesbury yesterday as well as having an ongoing southerly wind to try and get results out of.

On the other hand the easterly direction arrived today and Stewy told me over the phone, while we were discussing an unrelated matter, that he picked today's wind direction in advance to fish a good way up Cooks River and use only soft plastics.

Danilo although the conditions were right, the water was too clear in Botany Bay. and it needed another factor in close today in places such as Botany Bay proper or your spot Yarra Bay, and that other factor was a ripple in the water.

After a while inquisite fishermen such as yourself, recognise that fish come on again when the winds come in from the easterly and north easterly directions after continuous cold southerlys, but not so well from a westerly direction where there is a cold front in the west.

The area you refer to in Iron Cove, where you can drive thru the main gate of Rozelle Hospital and turn left at the bottom, would be ideal in the right conditions for you and your brother for the way you fish and the gear you have.


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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exactly danilo... where the sand meets the reef. This reef has beach on both sidespost-4939-1190848667_thumb.jpgshort casts are all that is necessary the bream and drummer are right up under that milky white water in the daytime....

if you are not losin the odd rig you arent in the right spot for bream..snags are all part of the territory...maybe use a barrel sinker instead of a ball sinker as i find this stops my rig rolling into cracks and holes as much.... i wouldn't try this at night btw.... we usually mix up a loaf of bread with all our prawn heads and sand in a bucket....6 handfuls when we start fishing then a handful whenever anyone goes past the bucket

gl man

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