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Cronulla 23/9


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Headed down to Cronulla with the F.I.L to fish the last 2&1/2 hours of the run up hoping for a pig or two. After sizing up the muchly reduced swell, decided on Spot Y and burleyed up with bread and prawn heads. After about 15 mins i landed a small bream and then a school of tarwhine moved in. These things really go and I had 4 over 30cm in the bag within the hour. My F.I.L landed one too but he found it hard to get close to the edge (sadly a non swimmer) and battled to keep his bait in the zone due to the incoming waves and snags on the barnacles. I managed another bream a small pig and got a 40cm thumper of a tarwhine on the last prawn of the day. Final tally Me 7 F.I.L. 1 (the inheritance is looking shaky) :1prop: All in all a great arvo and better than watching the footy on TV. Enjoyed a cool one or two :beersmile: back at the in-law's place We will feast well with the whole family during the week!


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Great catch there mate, i prefer a tarwhine any day over a bream and those pigs Mmmmmmmmmm.....have not fished Cronulla in ages usually hit the doughboy/ voodoo area when seas permit and you get some thumper pigs and tarwhine around that stretch of rocks not to mention the run of blackies thatcome through that alley there! Which end of Cronulla were you at the end i mention or closer to the main hub? Iyf you don't mind me asking how is the end i used to frequent fishing these days?


Royce. :beersmile:

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