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The Gas Works Sunday 23rd Early Morning Kingie Session


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My Kingie fishing buddy, who has a boat, bailed on me again this weekend so I thought I’d have a go at some Kingies by myself at a land based spot in Manly that I sussed out recently. I got down to the “Gas Works” at 3.30am earlier than planned as I couldn’t sleep. Within 10 minutes I had my first squid. The next two took another 3 hours. I also dropped a couple.

With the sun up I baited up for Kings but I struggled to get my rigs set up right and the baits in the likely zone. By the time I had things worked out the sun was up a bit too high and I ran out of live squid with nothing to show for it.

Whilst this was going on managed to catch a calamari squid which was too big for too live bait with so I cleaned it and took it home.

Saw a huge Blue groper about 3 feet long in about 3 foot of water minutes after throwing in some squid scraps.

Didn’t appear to be any Kings around but I think this spot has potential and will definitely give it another go. Has anyone else had any luck at the Gas Works land based or from a boat? I have heard from couple of sources that it’s a reliable spot for Kings.

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jump rock???? along there???

never fished it myself anyone got any tips???

Thats the one mate. I just use a bit of burley to get the yakkas and slimies going then use standard kingie/game gear and livies, watch out though, big fish and territorial locals abide there! It can get pretty crowded in summer, to the point of being ridiculous.

If i had to give you one tip, go there after a still friday night. All the wannabees dump they're unused bait before returning home and this creates a nice food filled scenario for the next morning...... ;)



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Thats the one mate. I just use a bit of burley to get the yakkas and slimies going then use standard kingie/game gear and livies, watch out though, big fish and territorial locals abide there! It can get pretty crowded in summer, to the point of being ridiculous.

If i had to give you one tip, go there after a still friday night. All the wannabees dump they're unused bait before returning home and this creates a nice food filled scenario for the next morning...... ;)



Thanks bobfish!!!!

I still have never got of my ass and had a crack at fishing there even though ive been and checked it out a couple of times.... one day!!!!

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