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Monday Is Always Good!

luderick -angler

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Decided to have today off to go fishing wit hmy mate Frank for a few blackies in the parra river, we started at 6.30am and even before burley was in the water we had downs they were quite thick and minimal burley was employed to keep them on the bite! After getting a feed it was decided to head to another spot for a change of scenery to Balmoral after seeing petes fish. got there and it only took a handful of burley to get them going, frank got one that went 43cm first up and it took regular golf ball sized handfuls of burley to keep them on, i ended up getting one at 42cm, in all we caught 6 in the parra river and landed 10 at balmoral, kept 8 all up for a feed for the two of us. i think its going to be one hell of a year for blackies in sydney. Looking forward to it.


Royce. :beersmile:

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Well done Royce

Top fishing session - both Parra & Balmoral! You have to keep them away from the structure, tho - both Peter & I lost good ones to the poles!! :(

I must admit I dont' often bother with berley! Perhaps I should! THen again, I only really want a couple - give me an excuse for going back the next day for another 2!

Will be heading to Qld tomorrow & stopping at Nambucca Heads on the breakwall to try the blackies there tomorrow pm! Saw some huge ones there earlier in the year, but they wern't biting! Hopefully they will be now!



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Well done Royce

Top fishing session - both Parra & Balmoral! You have to keep them away from the structure, tho - both Peter & I lost good ones to the poles!! :(

I must admit I dont' often bother with berley! Perhaps I should! THen again, I only really want a couple - give me an excuse for going back the next day for another 2!

Will be heading to Qld tomorrow & stopping at Nambucca Heads on the breakwall to try the blackies there tomorrow pm! Saw some huge ones there earlier in the year, but they wern't biting! Hopefully they will be now!



Im with you roberta , dont use burley as I so often need an excuse to go the next day. Have run out of people to give fish to. Find it never rains but it pours.

Good luck at COFFS tomorrow, good to get a feed on the way..


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we got there about an hour and a half before low tide and fished that and the first two hours of the run up had to leave as we needed to beat the traffic to get south! They were really thick at one stage i think you might find it fishes best on the run out, had no problems keeping the big fish out of the structure i was using my old 11ft sportex 9lb main and 6lb fluro carbon. Used very rich burley (sand /weed) and put tennis ball sized bombs in every drift this seemed to keep them active despite the idiot kids swimming outside the netting (wheres the shark!)

As for burley Roberta and Moonset, yes you will gewt them without when they are thick but try catching them without when they are lean on thebite or need encouraging out of their hidey holes its a matter of prefrence but i will always burley you may get a bag limit you may get nonoe when burleying for blackies its a mix of how much to feed them on any given day and spot, theres some spots once you get them going stop burleying other spots you got to give them a bucket.



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