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Ha Ha.

Now seriously. Firstly i must state I am fully aware of

the consequences of opening this Pandora's Box

and do so willingly.

Bait gathering. YES,

Live bait gathering, Tell me: Fingers or pliers for worms?

Do you swear by bait jigs or do you lose your patience to tangles?

Whether you use the baits live or catch super fresh baits to freeze until the chance

comes around to use them.

How about what you do to prepare your baits for the next trip.


For example:

Spiking bread with cheese for Mullet or tuna oil for Yackas, OR,

Marinading FRESH Squid in a light drizzling of aniseed and tuna oil

overnight for that early morning assault on Big Pelagics or even that

never before revealed addative to your burley that you couldn't

tell even if your LIFE DEPENDED ON IT (mine is Blueberry and cinnamon muffins),

I hear all the laughter but I give it in good Faith, Don't knock it until you try it.

There is a start.

I want to know your Bulletproof, surefire, neverfailed and

never told Bait gathering, preparation and burley Secrets.

I sence the Should I?, Could I?, Will I?, won't I?

Well, Will you?

How big are your Balls?

After all who is going to read this???

I told You not to.


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Allright bigfoot,

I am game. How about pre-mixing burley with tuna oil in a 2 litre milk bottle and then freezing it until use. Then you just tie it off anywhere you like, and pierce the bottle with your knife. Works a treat, and avoid having to touch tuna oil.

The Poacher

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I think the best marinade for squid is definitely their own ink it send the kings into a bit of a frenzy when you get a bit of that into the water.... I sometimes use bait jigs but often find i go back to a single hook with bait or baiting up the jig as it works better!!!!

Maybe im not using the jigs with enough action or something but i often just find a single hook with a small amount of pillie more effective, I also prefer to use a light weight flicky carbon rod where my mates prefer hand reels!!!!

My 2cents!!!!

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Handline with a single longshank 10.0 bits of Pillie.

Berley chook pellets and tuna oil and Bread.

Live bait for use that day otherwise Yakka's are let go at days end, Squid come home with me.

I love muffins so the fish aint gettin any.

By the way I apply sun screen with my hands that way if I dont catch anything I can blame the spf30+.


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Do you swear by bait jigs or do you lose your patience to tangles?

^ 6 hooks is too many to manage efficiently. The rig is too long and prone to tangle.

another reason is that if you spend 1 min baiting the 6 hooks, the first yakka you hook is probably going to shake most, if not all, of the baits off. (Unless you're using a tough bait like squid) it's more efficient to cut bait jigs in half so there's only 3 hooks, and bait one with pillie and the other two with something tough or you waste too much time.

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^ 6 hooks is too many to manage efficiently. The rig is too long and prone to tangle.

another reason is that if you spend 1 min baiting the 6 hooks, the first yakka you hook is probably going to shake most, if not all, of the baits off. (Unless you're using a tough bait like squid) it's more efficient to cut bait jigs in half so there's only 3 hooks, and bait one with pillie and the other two with something tough or you waste too much time.

Im the same

I cut the bait jigs in half .. and hey presto youve got yourself 2 x 3 hook bait jigs (which i always put bait on btw).

2 jigs for the price of one and half as many tangles

Edited by daleyboy
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  • 1 month later...

Hi Bigfoot

Just found this thread - if you want to learn how to catch worms (and have not done so yet ....) I find it is easier to use pliers (initially) than fingers! Once you have actually mastered the dark art of catching beach worms with pliers, sure, give it a go using your fingers. The worms survive better with less damage to their heads if caught by hand. My theory is, if I want to catch worms to go fishing, I use pliers ... if I want to have fun trying to catch worms (with no guarantee of doing so) I use my fingers!

Like the other guys, I chop the Sabiki rigs in half & get way less tangles therefore more fish.

Fresh live bait is best, but well frozen (& used not long after freezing) will also catch good fish!

If using pillies, salt them down a little bit prior to fishing (on newspaper to soak up the moisture) and they stay on the hook better - if the fish (tailor in particular) have to have 2-3 goes at getting it off the hook, you have a better chance of hooking them!



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Hi Bigfoot

Just found this thread - if you want to learn how to catch worms (and have not done so yet ....) I find it is easier to use pliers (initially) than fingers! Once you have actually mastered the dark art of catching beach worms with pliers, sure, give it a go using your fingers. The worms survive better with less damage to their heads if caught by hand. My theory is, if I want to catch worms to go fishing, I use pliers ... if I want to have fun trying to catch worms (with no guarantee of doing so) I use my fingers!

Like the other guys, I chop the Sabiki rigs in half & get way less tangles therefore more fish.

Fresh live bait is best, but well frozen (& used not long after freezing) will also catch good fish!

If using pillies, salt them down a little bit prior to fishing (on newspaper to soak up the moisture) and they stay on the hook better - if the fish (tailor in particular) have to have 2-3 goes at getting it off the hook, you have a better chance of hooking them!



Hi Roberta

I've read many of your posts and theyre all excellent . Thanks heaps for the tips. Will trya few of those out on the weekend! Fingers crossed the Kingfish duck will be broken


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Good thread!!!

Thx Bigfoot and everyone else, I have learnt a lot from this already.

Now if only I could get time to put it into practice......

too right - awesome thread.

will let you guys know how i go with the berley hints and the livebait collecting after i give me a go on the weekend.

Is it friday yet?


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......Is it friday yet? ..... Close enough to get excited about it! :1prop:

Good luck with your bait collecting Claxton - hope you get a feed! Look forward to reading your reports.


Hi Iceman

Was watching the bass round at Monduran on the weekend & TIm the Bream/Bass was putting some thing onto his spinner baits - may have been Megastrike! It was in a tube. I have never used it - do you reckon it really makes a difference?? Cos Watch out FIsh ...... if I ever decide to try it! Hmmmm Wonder if it works on green weed? :biggrin2: He was the only one to get a bass over the whole session!!! They did get lots of barra tho - wrong species on the day! :(

Edited by Roberta
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Quote Bigfoot

Do you swear by bait jigs or do you lose your patience to tangles?


Hi Vass I prefer to make up a supply of paternosta leaders myself due to fish taking the bait and the hook as well. I use tubing over the leader right up to the eye of the hook and put a smidgeon on marine silicone at the top where the tubing meets the line, to prevent the tubing from sliding up the line.

It's amazing the number of fish that beat bait fish to the tiny baits when a whole prawn may sink to the bottom and not get a hit.

This is another very interesting topic Bigfoot :thumbup:



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When chasing worms I always keep my hand-bait wrapped in a stocking or two. The worms get their pincers caught in the mesh, giving me an additional bit of time to snap their heads before they disappear. It also ensures that if you miss the worm the first time it hasn't made off with a chunk of your bait.

Also - if using fingers you MUST grip the worm by pushing the tip of your thumb into the side of the first knuckle on your index finger. This grip applies significantly more pressure than simply pushing the pads of your fingers together and is an absolute necessity if you ever want to become proficient at worming with fingers.

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Great tip there, Mondo - I have still only managed the odd small worm by hand ..... so if I want to have a 'play' after getting a few with pliers, I will try the stocking trick to see if I can get that extra nano-second to get a better grip with the thumb tip on the knuckle trick!



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Quote Bigfoot

It's amazing the number of fish that beat bait fish to the tiny baits when a whole prawn may sink to the bottom and not get a hit.



Hey Jewgaffer

That ain't a big jewie hint is it. LOL =) Jewies have got to be the worst bream by-catch. Nothing better then hooking on to a fish only to fine out its too big to be a breamski

Edited by Anti-Carp
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