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This Weekend

The Poacher

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Hi Raiders,

As a man who has been patiently storing his brownie points i am now in need of advice. All winter I took the kids to soccer, painted the house and installed a rainwater tank. I even socialised with my wifes friends, and even worse, her relatives. In short, I have been the model husband. Any more brownie points gained will be wasted as they will oveflow the vessel.

NOW is the time to cash in as Saturdays forecast is great. Please help me make this weekend a winner. Do I

- hit the inshore reefs for snapper on plastics

- go deep and bottom drop with cut and live baits

- use the new squid/pink squid technique from this months Fishing World and try for an early season King around the headlands.

Any advice would be appreciated and I will report back with photos.

The Poacher

PS I will be out of Terrigal or Broken Bay.

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Went out from terrigal yesterday , picked up some great fish, Mowies, Reds, Flatties , 1 nice pearl perch(2 kg) . Best part of the day ?....... Didn't see a leatherjacket all day!!!! :1prop:

Poacher, be ready to do battle with the holiday boaters at any central coast ramps, Be patient or better still , give 'em a hand, still the best way to keep that queue moving and tempers under control.

Bruce :beersmile:

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