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Maroubra 25/9


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hmmm so went to maroubra last night, on the 25th... high tide at around 7, got there abotu 6... fished till 12.... worked through about half the beach, to the left and right of the rip... no wind, beautiful moonlight!!! (its chinese mid autumn festival btw, which is when the moon is most beautiful... also supposed to be a time to see family...)

used 3 hook rig, red beads on top of the hooks, with the shiny bristle things snelled to the hooks, 25lb trace, 25lb main, tried pillies, worms, pipis, prawn... some of that stimulate burley pellets....

and can you guess how many fish i caught???????????????????????????????????????? actually, i caught 1 fish............... it was a flathead, and it was 7 poun........ CM!!!!!!!!!! thats right, a 7cm flathead... smaller than the size of my pilchard.............................. other than that, i caught


my brother, on the other hand, caught a whiting on pillies, a crab, and a yakka... it didnt really surprise me because its his birthday today and i predicted his creator would be kinder to him on such a day...............

so booooooooooooooooooooo, another 6 hours of nothing.... and this was after i was told a big school of either tailor or salmon moved through maroubra at about lunchtime............ sigh.............

anyway, so there, same story, different day... some other fishos were there too, dont think they caught anything either...

take care all

Edited by rzep
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Well done , and top sesion thats the biggest NOTHING i have seen,

You should enter it into FOTM comp :1prop:


seriously though, Better luck next time.

haha ya thanks man, youll vote for me if i enter it in the comp wont you??

maybe you belong to the same society of cant catch a bloody thing from the beach :(

na bro, i below to the CANT CATCH A BLOODY THING FULL STOP/depression caused by no fish society!!

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There there guys, I'm also a part of the group :) Quite often I come empty handed, but every now and then I get a flathead or a salmon and I'd be over the moon! We are the type that get all excited when we catch one fish every 5 sessions :1prop:



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hey danilo, dont worry mate you put that much time in that you are bound to catch something soon! there is nothing better than spending time on the water to speed up learning. Just make sure that you dont keep doing the same thing over and over, if something doesnt work change it up a bit until you find something that does. Personally i think you should try fishing much much lighter 25lb main and trace is a bit of an overkill, i use 20lb main and 30lb trace for chasing kings in the harbour. You could easily get away with 10lb straight through. I recently caught a 60cm salmon on 4lb straight through. If you then find your getting busted off, bump up the leader size a bit... Also, try using heaps fresh bait, either that you catch/find your self or that you buy from the fish market. With the frozen stuff you are really limiting yourself. Just my 2 bobs worth, keep it up!

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There there guys, I'm also a part of the group :) Quite often I come empty handed, but every now and then I get a flathead or a salmon and I'd be over the moon! We are the type that get all excited when we catch one fish every 5 sessions :1prop:



haha hey dude thats right eh, the first time i went to maroubra i caught a salmon almost as soon as i got there... know what i said?? 'now my life is complete'

hey danilo, dont worry mate you put that much time in that you are bound to catch something soon! there is nothing better than spending time on the water to speed up learning. Just make sure that you dont keep doing the same thing over and over, if something doesnt work change it up a bit until you find something that does. Personally i think you should try fishing much much lighter 25lb main and trace is a bit of an overkill, i use 20lb main and 30lb trace for chasing kings in the harbour. You could easily get away with 10lb straight through. I recently caught a 60cm salmon on 4lb straight through. If you then find your getting busted off, bump up the leader size a bit... Also, try using heaps fresh bait, either that you catch/find your self or that you buy from the fish market. With the frozen stuff you are really limiting yourself. Just my 2 bobs worth, keep it up!

ah yes quite a few people have told me that... i originally went fishing off the rocks quite a bit and i wanted 20lb to respool but tony didnt have 20lb on the day thats why i got 25... hmm perhaps a respool is in order... 10lb eh?? have you got any brand recommended?? im currently using yo zuri and i quite like it, but if you have something else tried and true, that would be fantastico...

thanks mate

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You don't need new line Danilo - 25lb braid is a bit heavy for ordinary beach work but it's probably about the same diameter as 10lb mono. It shouldn't prevent you from catching Tailor and Salmon - I catch all sorts of critters using 30lb fireline when targeting jews. The tailor and salmon certainly aren't shy about hitting my whole squid baits - and I'm using a 60lb leader!

Besides - it would be a terrible waste of money to discard a spool of Yozuri brand braid. If you want to fish lighter then just tie on a lighter leader.

If you want Tailor or salmon at Maroubra then fish the deep hole in front of the rocks at the north end - preferably from the rocks facing south towards the beach. These fish like a moving bait, so hold the rod at all times and very slowly reel in. Lose the three-hook patternoster with tassles, sparkles and glo-beads and go back to a single hook patternoster with half pilchard.

Are you around this weekend? I'm spending most of it pulling carpet up and levering staples from a wooden floor, but I reckon I might be tempted into an arvo session at the Bra.

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You don't need new line Danilo - 25lb braid is a bit heavy for ordinary beach work but it's probably about the same diameter as 10lb mono. It shouldn't prevent you from catching Tailor and Salmon - I catch all sorts of critters using 30lb fireline when targeting jews. The tailor and salmon certainly aren't shy about hitting my whole squid baits - and I'm using a 60lb leader!

Besides - it would be a terrible waste of money to discard a spool of Yozuri brand braid. If you want to fish lighter then just tie on a lighter leader.

If you want Tailor or salmon at Maroubra then fish the deep hole in front of the rocks at the north end - preferably from the rocks facing south towards the beach. These fish like a moving bait, so hold the rod at all times and very slowly reel in. Lose the three-hook patternoster with tassles, sparkles and glo-beads and go back to a single hook patternoster with half pilchard.

Are you around this weekend? I'm spending most of it pulling carpet up and levering staples from a wooden floor, but I reckon I might be tempted into an arvo session at the Bra.

hey dude!! thanks for the reply ummm i dont have braid dude its just 25lb mono but its pretty small diameter... shogun brand, dunno if youve seen but its quite thin... but anyway, even so i have considered it and i didnt think salmon and tailor would be scared away, i mean after all last time my brother caught a tailor if it wasnt for the 25lb line, the tailor would have bitten through... we actually just managed to pull it up about a meter out of the water and the line broke so yeah... plus i always have my small rod with the 8lb line but i usually cant be bothered taking that anymore... but ya, my brother has caught a couple of whiting on the big rod anyway, so yeah...

and ya, youre right about the cost fishing stuff isnt all that expensive in the big picture... i mean, a good outfit will cost me at most 500 bucks but a new set of tyres for my car is almost a grand... but still, until i start full time work im really finding it difficult so yeah... i try and cut down whereever i can...

ah i always though salmon and tailor would wait around the rip for small dizzy baitfish to drift by but ya, i will try the spot you recommend... but want to ask though - do i need cleats to get there?? its not too bad is it if i fall in its just a beach couldnt be as bad as the merc...

arvo session eh?? what day dude?? you give me the time and i will try schedule around that... but in case youre interested i will almost certainly be there tomorrow night, umm with the high tide at 918 i should be there from about 730 till maybe 6 in the morning... so yeah...

thanks heaps dude!!!

oh and flathead fanatic haha ya man you got that right... but like they say, if you try and you havnt succeeded, that just means you have to TRY HARDER and HARDER either until you get it right, or you cant move anymore, whichever comes first

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do i need cleats to get there?? its not too bad is it if i fall in its just a beach couldnt be as bad as the merc

Absolutely not - it's a very easy fishing platform, although like any rock fishing spot it should not be fished in a big swell.

i will almost certainly be there tomorrow night, umm with the high tide at 918 i should be there from about 730 till maybe 6 in the morning

Do you have some sort of innate need to fish all night? Why the marathon sessions all the time - surely you'd prefer to fish for a short period, catch a few, and then head off home?!!? Anyways, I think it might be a good opportunity for me to come down and say hi. I won't be able to stay more than an hour or so, but hopefully I'll see you there.

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Absolutely not - it's a very easy fishing platform, although like any rock fishing spot it should not be fished in a big swell.

Do you have some sort of innate need to fish all night? Why the marathon sessions all the time - surely you'd prefer to fish for a short period, catch a few, and then head off home?!!? Anyways, I think it might be a good opportunity for me to come down and say hi. I won't be able to stay more than an hour or so, but hopefully I'll see you there.

hey dude well its not so much as an innate need rather than having no other choice... most days im at work till 6, otherwise im at uni... so yeah, pretty much only have nighttimes free and even thats scarce because i get too many :wife: how come youd rather go fishing than talk to meeeeeee :wife: etc etc

thats also the reason i do marathon sessions, because if i am allowed to go then i will make sure i make the absolute most out of it by sitting through 3 tide changes.... ya, i guess fishing for a shorter period would make sense, but bro, ive never 'caught a few'... and you know, if you havnt fished anything you keep thinking if i just stay here a minute longer, that school of SAILFISH will move into the beach and i will be off....

anyway dude i shall pm you for tomolo, hope you can make it!

Pics please...

A 7cm flattie...that would have to get a record for smallest flattie...I'd actually vote for it in fish of the month if you submitted it...

haha dude ill try get it off my bro its on his phone... he took real closeups of it so it looks huge, and of course, the tail sticking out the flathead's mouth is a yellow fin tuna that we live baited!

[ill edit this post and add the pics sooooon!!]

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