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Popper Bassin.


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G'day all.

Woke up early yesterday to a warm & windless morning. I hadn't fished the upper Rous River before but I'd spied a couple of sneaky landbased spots there recently so I thought I'd do a bit of exploring.

I tried the 1st pool with no luck so went through the bush for a bit of a look & found a beaut looking arm off the main river that ran to nowhere.

I flicked the 'bubble pop 45' to the opposite bank, let it settle, then blooped it a couple of times. I let it stop again & twitched it & I saw a bass zoom up from the side & take it in a nice swirl. A typically spirted fight ensured before I cranked him up for a couple of pics before release.. At 33cm's he wasn't huge but still fun.

I had a few more casts along that bank for zip so fired a cast along the shoreline where I was standing.

I used a very slow bloop & twitch retrieve when all of a sudden there was a massive explosion of water to break the serenity. The fish bored down towards a tree so I locked it up, turned it, & then the hooks pulled. Grrrrr. That was a nice fish to. Well into the 40's judging by the weight & the take. I cast into that pool for another 30 mins before calling it quits.

Such a nice spot. Turtles & a Platypus were playing there & I was amazed at the variety of bushes along there as well. :biggrin2:

The kayak is on the ute & I'll be up at sparrows' in the morning for a decent crack with the poppers into some more virgin territory. Hopefully I'll have a bit more to report.



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