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Sydney Harbour 29/09/2007


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Well, after a late start due to the boys both having to work, the flightcrew decided to go for an afternoon/evening fish in the harbour.

Headed down to Rose Bay to be met by a couple of men in blue uniforms who were checking licences, breathalizing, checking size and bag limits on incoming boats, and also life jackets.

With the formalities over it was time to hit the water and head over to spot X, only to find that some non fishing type person had moored in our favourite spot. Not to be detered, we moved across to another mooring to await their departure.

On attaching the boat to a mooring we baited up and cast into oblivion. Flightmanager was the first to call "I'm on", and reeled in a small pinkie, which was promptly put back to fight another day. Another couple of pinkies for hubby, (one very close to being legal), and no fish for #1 Son or myself.

We then noticed that the non fishing people had gone from our favourite spot so decided to move over and try our luck at this spot.

Again we baited up and cast into the never never and once again Flightmanager caught the first fish. Next thing #1 Son says "I'm on" and proceeds to pull in a just legal flattie. By this stage, I am getting a bit frustrated as the boys have caught fish and me, nothing.

After a little while, I felt a tug on my line and uttered those now famous words "I"m on" and pulled in a not quite legal Bream. I was now a happy camper. I was now on the board.

After some minor adjustments to the reel by #1 Son, I was ready for some action and proceeded to not only catch a few more Bream, but also a 37cm tailor. (PB) (first tailor and biggest fish of any kind for me).

Totals for the day: #1 Son: 1 Flattie, Flightmanager: 1 Flounder, 1 baby flattie, 1 small Bream and a few pinkies, myself, Mrs Flightmanager: 6 Bream and 1 Tailor.

A good days fishing was had by all even if I must say so myself, although the boys reckon next time they will leave me at home as I seem to catch more fish than they do.


Mrs Flightmanager

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Decided that wind in the harbour was going to abate around 3PM , so we prepared the boat , filled the fuel tank with fuel ,and the esky with Ice and headed towards Rose Bay . #1 Son drove the boat of the trailer andaway from the ramp , so as to let the Water Rats come in and start doing licence checks , equipment levels , breatherlyser etc. They were even measuring caugght fish in some boats ( a crew of ethnic persuasion had some explaining to do about some undersize fish , and their Blood Alcohol Content ) .

After a short chat with the fellas from the Water police ( and handing a few cards out!) we headed off to spot X ( 3.1.NM NE of Rose Bay ramp) and tied off . I began a small burley trail , and I was fishing peeled prawns on a small circle hook. First fish caught was a very small pinky , followed by another 3 , only 1 going anywhere close to legal.

Soon Cath was on , and with a goodish bend in her rod , we were hopeful that a good fish would be the result!

A nice bream appeared , and was so close to being legal , it was tempting to keep it , but rules is rules , so back he went.

Brett was next to get a fish , a 37cm model flathead , which was sent for a swim in our cooling down facility ( actually an esky with a bag of ice and 2 buckets of sea water. :frozen: ) SO everyone was now on the scoreboard !!!

Cath got smacked pretty hard by a Tailor , she had quite a bend in her rod , but managed , with a bit of coaching from the author and #1 Son to bring it to the net with no problems !! :thumbup:

Caths run of luck continued through the afternoon , :fisher: catching several more small bream ( all returned) and 1 small striped fish.

Raced off back to the ramp and returned home , washed the boat , and cleaned the 2 fish we kept!

Work and other things permitting , we may well do the same thing again tomorrow !!

Once the wind died down , it was a perfect afternoon on the harbour!


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