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Big Thankyou To The S.e.s


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I would like to thank the local Bankstown SES (state emergency service) for their fantastic response to an emergency we had today at Lambeth Park on the Georges River.

Ross Hunter and myself were getting a few small blackfish when we heard a loud crack followed by a loud thud on the ground (big tree falling) and I said to Ross I hope that didnt fall across the road out of the park jokingly :( Well bugger me if it fell right across the access road and it was easily 40 foot long.

I am so glad that no one was leaving at the time it came down or they would have been killed for sure.

I quickly dialled the operator to get the nearest SES crew and in a blink of an eye two young blokes arrived in a truck armed with two very big chainsaws and cut us a path out.

Lead time from phone call to the SES ARRIVING WAS NO MORE THAN 15 MINUTES amazing :thumbup: .

Great work you guys and gals do at the SES and I take my hat off to you.

Regards Stewy

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:thumbup: well done to the S.E.S... The great ol Aussie spirit of lending a hand or voluntering in this way never ceases to amaze and somehow a simple thanks doesnt seem enough but always apreciated by those concerned.... well done again guys.... and a big thankyou to the big guy upstairs no one was under that tree eh stewy......... Edited by roosterman
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That was pretty quick been a few trees falling down there

Did you happen to notice one in the water off the boardwalk Stewy?

We fished the weed beds at the beach for a few average blackies and didnt venture that far down owing to the very strong winds.

Cheers Stewy

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