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Avro/night Session Georges River 5/10

Not Invited

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Hi Everyone!

This is my first post.

Went out for a after work fish on the Georges with Wife and 5yo daughter and two mates in another boat.

Fished the Moons from about 4.30pm to 7.30pm. Pulled in a few legal size Bream and a few undersize. My wife caught a 54cm flathead on a bright pink hb lure. Not much action after 8pm. Moved to Lurgano with nothing around.

All fish were released to fight another day...




Edited by Not Invited
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Hi Not Invited. That was a really good post and you got yourself a few nice fish :1welcomeani: to FishRaider.

When you moved up to Lugarno towards the middle of the run down, that's generally always the worst part of the tide in many other estuaries as you've more than likely experienced yourself before...... Don't be too disheartend by that.... Had you gone there before sunset and fished up and over the top, the result may well have been a lot different in more ways than one ...I am sure you will go back up Lugarno way again and it won't be all that long before you go there and I'll bet you'll get some really good results.


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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