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Fishfinder Snapper Charter Today


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Well…after a 2 week delay due to crap weather…Today was the day!!

Coollamon had originally organized it to coincide with his birthday but

That came and went without wetting a line. So now it’s my b.day next week so that’ll do for an excuse.

We had 8 Raiders who wanted to get into the snapper, but a last minute pullout saw the seven of us at Rose Bay Ramp at 0615 and conditions looked perfect.

Along came Fishfinder skippered by Ian and Eon was deckie.(He earned his keep…more on that later)

The plan was to hit the snapper grounds off Long Reef and to anchor up and get a good burley trail going and stay there all day. Fish floaters in the trail while others bottom bashed…then we’d rotate after an hour…good plan that worked well.

Lines in the water by 7am and along come the trevors…double hookups were common

And most scored at least one fish.

Then 3 snapper to 1.5 kilo landed and we thought this is the spot…After a while it shut down so motored up and you guessed it…reef pick is stuck fast.

Some quick wheelwork and a wide arc by Ian saw it freed but a little worse for wear.

Did the same thing again and still wasn’t holding..so Ian decided it was time for the big plough anchor…Well that held in a new spot further up the reef.

Eon worked like a trooper hauling line in and using a buoy to lift it off the reef. He looks pretty fit but he got a workout today

A few nice mowies hit the deck and the odd ooglie. Butchers p ricks were also common.

The jackets then moved in and took their fair share of terminal tackle but not before 2 were boated..One I got was a 6 spine job and a nice size.

Things quietened down so it was decided to go for a drift as we could see the southerly building.

Off to haul up the plough….You guessed it…it’s stuck like concrete too.

Tied off and slowly motored over it and SNAP…there goes the line.

The buoy popped up but no anchor…Sorry Tony…shit happens mate.

So a drift for flatties produced one nice lizard and a nice Samson. I scored a couple of odd fish…a goatfish and a black spot pigfish….hey…I’ll take a couple of new species and P.Bs. hahahaha.

Ian called a mate in Wollongong who said the southerly just went through there at 40 knots so be watchful.

We gave it ten more minutes and saw this freight train coming up the coast and suddenly…it’s like a washing machine 1km off North Head,.

We headed back in to worsening conditions with lots of water over the wheelhouse and deck…it was like this in the harbour too…Yachts scrambling for cover and one idiot in a rubber ducky with a severe balance problem who tried to motor into this maelstrom ahead….he turned back and disappeared in the spray and rain.

So all in all…a productive day with about 30 fish all up which included:









Oh..and the obligatory whopper PJ shark.

Coollamon has all the pictures so he can add to this tale.

Thanks go to Ian and Eon for putting us onto some good fighting fish and a good laugh

Was had all day.

Anyone who is looking at a charter …I highly recommend Tony and Ian of Fishfinder…not just because he is a sponsor, but works very hard to get you onto fish and are bloody good blokes.

Thanks guys…it was a fun day,



Edited by MallacootaPete
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I'll second that , couldn't ask for a more pleasurable days fishing.Great company , great crew and plenty of fish. Its a shame Ian probably will not be here for the next one.Maybe an Ian going away charter would be a good excuse to the :wife: for another bash ..... ?????

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what a great day all the boys had a good laugh and quite a few nice table fish landed

here are some pics of the day

On the way out Gavin Dean & Jovi


No#1son (Brett) & Mallacoota Pete


Group photo on the way out

Mallacoota Pete,Reefa,Jovi,Gavin,Dean & No1Son


Reefa Playing waiter making coffee


Mallacoota with a Blackspot Pigfish


Reefa and his Samson fish



Me with a nice mowie


No1 Son with a nice snapper


A casualty of war


A Little lumpy on the way in


All in a days work the team after getting dropped off


The days Catch


Thanks for the company and laughs fellas looking forward to the next one



Edited by coollamon
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