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Middle Harbour / Manly 06/10/07


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Hey guys,

We headed out for a late start today and got to the boat ramp well after sunrise. First stop was about an 1 1/2h not getting squid at the spit so we went to our usual haunt at north head to try and get some yakkas. They didnt want to play nice either then all of a sudden the water around us started boiling up with salmon.... so who are we to resist, we started flicking small slugs like mad. We ended up chasing them around for about 3 hours throwing all maner of lures and soft plastics at them. We boated 2 an lost a couple right at the boat. The ones we did get in were foul hooked as they really didn't want a bar of our shinny metal offerings. At one stage i put on a 65 gram raider to see if i could sink it through under the school and hope there was some stripy's or kings underneath but no louck. By this stage i had a blister on my finger from so much casting and spinning, so we decided to go on the hunt for more livies

Tried middle head for a big donut 0, moved over to manly and were about to give up when i hooked my 3rd large squid this week, shame i couldnt get them in the morning so we could get some baits out at a decent time. At least we had some bait now as we went out without anything but bread so that we would be forced to find and catch livies rather than turn to servo pillies again. Went and had a sound round a few spots in middle harbour and it looked pretty quiet but undetered we pulled up a mouring and threw some fresh strips out. Just got all our lines in the water then WHOOOOOOSHHHHH the change comes through and spoils the day! We peservered for a little longer then called it stumps! So at least we have some frozen squid for next time we get out!!!!! All in all the tally was one tailor, 2 kept salomon and a big ceph.... I seem to only be able to catch really big squid at the moment.... like to big for live bait to big... I hope i can get into some little ones soon but i gues one big one is better than none!!!!!!

Hope all you guys heading to middle harbour tomorrow fair better than we did!!!!


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Nice big squiddy there. Yup it was tough going for me in the harbour this weekend too. # outings and nothing kept int he creel, lost a nice flathead this morning near Balmoral and that was about it. Also got the giggest snook in my life, would have been about 2kg.


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When the salmon are finacky, we usually turn lookers into biters using the following techniques:

The delivery needs to be in-line with the direction the fish are feeding. By watching the school carfefully you can usually predict what where they are going, and drive the boat in front of the leading edge of the school ready for the cast.

If the fish are only surfacing for very short periods, carefully watch the sounder and be prepared to fish lures deeper, as the sambos are commonly rounding up the bait mid-water or deeper.

Match the hatch, by identifying what they are feeding on, and using similar sized lures and colours. If thats not possible, downsizing is a good option. Note when they are feeding on "eyes" a 2" or 3" bass minnow has proved successful countless times.

IMO, soft plastics always outfish metals. 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 inch stickbaits in clear/white/smelt are excellent.

Plastics fished light or on the surface are great, but if you need a bit of casting distance don't be afraid to use heavier jig heads and fish them faster (in similar fashion to a metal)

The more erratic your retrieve, the more takes you will get.

I hope this helps.

Tight lines

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When the salmon are finacky, we usually turn lookers into biters using the following techniques:

The delivery needs to be in-line with the direction the fish are feeding. By watching the school carfefully you can usually predict what where they are going, and drive the boat in front of the leading edge of the school ready for the cast.

If the fish are only surfacing for very short periods, carefully watch the sounder and be prepared to fish lures deeper, as the sambos are commonly rounding up the bait mid-water or deeper.

Match the hatch, by identifying what they are feeding on, and using similar sized lures and colours. If thats not possible, downsizing is a good option. Note when they are feeding on "eyes" a 2" or 3" bass minnow has proved successful countless times.

IMO, soft plastics always outfish metals. 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 inch stickbaits in clear/white/smelt are excellent.

Plastics fished light or on the surface are great, but if you need a bit of casting distance don't be afraid to use heavier jig heads and fish them faster (in similar fashion to a metal)

The more erratic your retrieve, the more takes you will get.

I hope this helps.

Tight lines

Cheers mate,

15grams was the smallest slug that i had but i did try many different soft plastics as well from 5 inch jerk shads to 3 inch zoom flukes but still only got them on the slugs..... the wind was making it really hard to get the plastics in the zone and there was at times up to 15 boats chasing the one school and about 5 of those were doing great things like running straight over the middle of the school...... there was even one guy trolling through the schools with tiagra 50's out so as you could imagine the school was spooking pretty easy!!!! :mad3:

You have a problem with only being able to catch big Squid?

The arrows will soon plague the waterways so don't worry you'll have your livie squid soon enough.


I know that sounds stupid but the one big one that i am catching is taking me half a day to catch and then its to big for a livie.... would just prefer to be getting a few smaller ones that we could put out whole... We will see how those strips go on tuesday hopefully though!!!!!

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