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Blackfish In The Georges

Ross Hunter

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Sometimes it just doesn't matter if you catch fish or not , especially when as a profession you spend most of your life doing it for customers, but today it's for me simply blackfishing the Georges, just me and my faithful 14 year old dog Nara..She doesn't care wether the fish bite or not she's fishin' with the boss and that's all she cares about...she''s on top of the world as she sits by my side and occasionally glances up to see if it may encourage a pat on the head or a kind gesture .The day is a beauty, clear skies, a light zephre and a good tide . The fishing is quite, I catch one around 29cm and get a couple more downs . Despite this I am enjoying myself just being on my favourite river with my friend Norm Jefferys is reward enough.

After two hours it's one in the bag which if I don't get another I will let go.

Norm leaves to do some shopping with his wife, I move down stream a few hundred metres, determined to catch one more.

First throw whack down goes the float, got him on .. For the next hour I catch seven blackfish During the bite I ring Norm who lives five minutes way and he comes back ..we catch one more and the bite goes off...leaving me with egg on my face, but I did have seven in the keeper as evidence.

I let four go and kept three of the bigger fish ( around 33 cm)for dinner and drove home feeling like I'd just won Lotto isn't it funny how fishing can do that for you!



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G'Day Ross

I know just how you feel! Doesn't matter what sort of day you've had, just the thought of wetting a line will bring smile to the dial, a spring in the step & that 'feel good' feeling that only fishos know!

Had a go at some blackies yesterday at Yamba, with no joy - got an occie tho! Am home again, so looking forward to wetting a line with Greendog sometime this week ..... could even be later today!

Cheerio for now


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Hi Ross,

You have it right mate ,spot on. It is a special feeling out and about trying to catch those little buggers. They give so much pleasure the way they fight. The battle is not lost easily and they let you know it. Using the right gear and line also gives great fun. It is essential. I would love to take my big canine fishing with me but unfortunately he eats anything and everything he sets his eyes on. Destroying my Blackfishing gear would lead to an early departure to the big river in the sky.

Cheers BART :1fishing1:

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