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Little St Blackie


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Hi Guys

Got back from Qld yesterday, so was itching to get out & wet a line! Tried for some blackies at Nambucca on the way up & Yamba on the way down ..... for Zippo result! Mind you, I didn't see any other fishos out, either, so maybe they were trying to tell me something! The Spot X at Yamba that 'went off' in April did nothing in OCtober! I did get a fairly large Octopus tho - put him back.

Headed down to Little St opposite the Pub just before lunch today. Tide was running out, a bit cloudy overhead & flat, easy to fish ground. You could see the blackies turning everywhere, some so close the rod tip could almost touch them! They weren't taking anything tho! Had a couple of hits that I missed, but thru sheer determination brought one to the net, a nice 35cm one. At that point, some Japanese were walking past & got excited watching me pull in the fish. They grabbed their gear & tossed it out, with no success. Only the one fish for me today - was hoping for 2, so I could smoke them for dinner!

Whilst I was fishing (before I caught) a couple of guys were fishing to the right of me - & as they were about to leave, the older chap came up & we had a chat, then he said .... "Are you Roberta?" I admitted that I was! He said "You've been chatting to us on the net for the last week or so - our sign on name is Kirkby"

Sure enough, Dave had pm'd me whilst I was in Qld, asking for some info on fishing Forster/Blueys - & they had come to Little St to give it a go there!! All going well, we will be meeting up tomorrow at Seven Mile Beach & I will give them some instruction on the Dark Art of Beach Worming!! We'll take our rods & try them out whilst nice & fresh, too.

Will let you know how we go



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Hope you had a great trip Roberta.

Good to see you catch up with other members of the Raider community. :biggrin2:

Shame the Blackies didn't want to play ball for you today. It's sooo frustrating when you see plenty but catch little. Ahh well. That's why we call it fishing instead of catching!



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Hi Ceph

It was so funny - the blackies weren't happening & I spotted this occie making his way around the rocks, so I just dropped the sinker onto his head & he wrapped his tentacles around the line & found the hook!! He kept pulsing away & my 10ft telescopic Shimano rod was almost bent in half, as it was a fairly big one (quite orange in colour, too!) Then he tried to hide under & around the oyster covered rocks & I thought he might bust me off, but as he moved for a better grip, I was able to get him into the open water again & haul him up onto the rocks! Got the hook out & let him go. He'd already lost the tips from a few of his tentacles, so reckoned he'd had enough bad luck already!



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