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Lane Cove River This Morning


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Hey all,

Went for a fish this morning land-based on the Lane Cove River targetting flatties. I fished an area of parkland on the western shore near where Buffalo Ck runs into the river, fishing most of the runout tide. Unfortunately for me the flathead weren't co-operating at all. I tried 3 or 4 different SP's (including 3 inch Berkley minnows in pumpkinseed, 5 inch Berkley shads in pearl watermelon and Squidgy wrigglers of the Gary Glitter variety) all to no avail.

Has anyone had any luck up that way yet this Spring? Just wondering if it's still a little too cold for the flatties to be too active upstream in these estuaries. I spent nearly 4 hours working these lures hard for on decent hits, just the odd puffer fish chewing on them. I had never fished this area before but it really does look like prime flathead territory.



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were you around the corner on the mud/sand flats.

I caught my biggest flattie on sat morn up near figtree bridge over 60cm's

i tied the area you where at about a fortnight ago and only pulled in 1 little flattie

in the summer I fish there every 2nd day after work and normally go pretty good

although the toed fish are little turds

that my local spot


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I was about 1km further upstream from Fig Tree Bridge, at Sugarloaf Point, near Buffalo Park. First time I'd fished there and it really does look like perfect flattie water. I'm gonna persist with this spot over the next month or two as I'm sure it will eventually produce the goods. I work nearby too so as the days get longer I'll get down there more often after work.

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I was about 1km further upstream from Fig Tree Bridge, at Sugarloaf Point, near Buffalo Park. First time I'd fished there and it really does look like perfect flattie water. I'm gonna persist with this spot over the next month or two as I'm sure it will eventually produce the goods. I work nearby too so as the days get longer I'll get down there more often after work.

It will produce but we normally keep it quiet as we don't wont a heaps of dudes down there fishing it out.

I will probable see you down there in the afternoons as I live within walking distance form there.

we have scored flatties up to 55cm there but normally a bit smaller with the occasional bream and whiting.

the thing I am keen on doing is the mullet on fly down there, in the summer there are heaps of them.

give me a pm when your heading down next and I might meet you down there.


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