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Kingiekup 07/08 Middle Harbour 1st And 2nd Rounds


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Round 1 Monday 1st October

Got up early last Monday (Labour day) for the inaugural round of the KingieKup 07/08.

Caught plenty of squid at the Spit without much effort. All of them were a perfect livie bait size.

Dropped a squid each over the side just after sunrise. Zero interest depsite the strong incoming tide which usually does the trick at the Spit this time of year. Tried a few of our other fav Middle Harbour spots for the same result.

Round 2 Saturday 6th October

Pretty much the same result. Plenty of squid no Kingie action what so ever despite perfect conditions. Even the pickers we tentative at times.

So despite vague reports and rumours about there being Kingies in Middle Habour we couldn't find any. They were either there and not interested or simply not around the spots we fished. :(

Rather ominously this is not disimilar to the begining of last season, only this time no one else seemed to be catching any Kings either. Last year we spectators to other boats within metres of us getting into fish for the first few weekends.

At the very least the weather was nice and we have a heap of fresh squid in the freezer for the season.

Weather permitting round three is this Saturday.


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Much the same here dave.

All i could manage on sunday was a heap of leather jackets caught on spiked bait jigs, a flatie, a whiting and 2 Port jackson Sharks that were well over a meter long each but released.


hope next weekend is better

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Hi Dave,

I fished MH in the yak Saturday morning also for zip apart from the pickers that destroyed my live squid. Nice water just no fish, maybe next week. There was a big school of baby slimies in Fisher Bay but nothing was harassing them, as the bait shcools build up the rest will follow, thats the theory anyway.


Edited by southerly
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Hi Dave,

I fished MH in the yak Saturday morning also for zip apart from the pickers that destroyed my live squid. Nice water just no fish, maybe next week. There was a big school of baby slimies in Fisher Bay but nothing was harassing them, as the bait shcools build up the rest will follow, thats the theory anyway.


Hi Southerly,

We spoke to you sunrise around the moorings east side of spit when we chasing squid. We were in the Stacer tinny. I reckon the resident Kings are in a corner of middle harbour somewhere cornering bait fish. With so much squid around the spit two weekends in a row you would have thought the yearyling rats would be getting stuck into them by now.

Hope to see you out there this Saturday and have a chat.


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