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Middle Harbour Again


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Finally got my boat in the water after 1. having the motor serviced, 2. putting in a second battery (deep cycle) to run electrics, 3. putting in flash new sounder and then 4. Having my car die on me!!! The old hilux has been sent to the wreckers so I spent a painful week looking at bloody car ads and not fishing!!

Anyway, it's not all bad, still managed a camping trip down at jervis where I pulled a stonker squid off the rocks in the bay side and hooked a PJ and big ray off the surf side rocks but that's another story.

Yesterday, I put in at 2.00 after getting a call from Zenman in the morning to say that the jewies were going off. I had paid the price for sleeping in but the plan was to try for kings in the arvo, get squid on dark and fish for jew in the evening. That's how it went. No kingies at Quarantine, wedding cake or out at nth head. That's not to say they weren't there though. I need a good lesson on how to use this sounder (Lowrance X515) as I am picking up the bait schools but not the bigger fish below. Also picking up lots of "noise" so need to fiddle with sensitivity levels.

Squid were where I thought they'd be and I had 6 for the tank as well as six yakkas. Tried spot a for the top of the tide for a PJ then moved to spot b for the runout. This spot seems to produce fish exactly 2 hrs into the runout. First though, there was the small matter of a thunderstorm to deal with. I looked around for my boat a while ago and thought about centre consoles. Last night was one of those times you were thankful for a proper canopy and windscreen. Got mighty choppy for a while but I managed to stay dry. As for the jewies, Boated one at 60cm on a small yakka and missed another on a squid. Nothing huge but i am so broke right now thanks to the damn car, it was kept for dinner.


Edited by humesy
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Hey Andrew,

Glad you got out there and sorry i couldnt jump onto round 2 "the Nightshift".

Family life sometimes has to come before fishing - bummer!!!

I got back in home just as the rain was coming down and thought of u out there.

You did a lot better than me on the livies and those squid will be excellent strips etc for your next run.

I am going out saturday morning to give it another go and hopefully the squid will play ball and the weather wont be too horrible.

We should go out next week during the week before you head back to work. If we go in your boat mate its on me. I owe a chip in for all those trips man.


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We should go out next week during the week before you head back to work. If we go in your boat mate its on me. I owe a chip in for all those trips man.


Back to school next week. oh well. the next holidays are only ever 10 weeks away.

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