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Humpbacks Off Cronulla


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Gday Raiders,

Had the morning off to go with the wife for our first ultra sound - she's 3 months preggars with our first! So we killed some time and walked the esplanade along the beachfront at Cronulla. As is always the way while we walk the wife talks and I either look at which wave I could be surfing or which spot looks good for a fish.

Well with the southerly blowing strong nothing was looking real good but off in the distance I noticed a rather large spray of water out near the Osborne shoals - after carefully watching for a second or two a huge humpback launched virtually it's whole body out of the water to an almighty splash which was followed by many other in the pod sometimes 2 and 3 at a time. Even though they were some way off the coast these giants of the sea looked spectacular breaching and spraying water high into the air which was pushed even further by the strong winds.

After this all died down with the thought that they had now gone deep and down the coast - but to the wife's and mine amazement they resurfaced about 300m off the back of shark island and worked their way up until beside the island. What I would've given to be one of the young guys out surfing the island as the whales then turned and cruised gracefully around them and into the waters just out from shelly beach. What a way for these young guys to finish off the school holidays!

By now it was time to get going and we left with them cruising out off windy point. What a great way to start the day and to cap it off by seeing our unborn child kicking and moving around - the beauty of mother nature at it's best.


Edited by casper
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Hi Casper

Congratulations on your future offspring!!! And to see the whale performing as they did on the way to the ultrasound - what a buzz!!! They would have been travelling with their babies, I guess.

A couple of years ago I was fishing on Seven Mile Beach up in FOrster & I saw one whale that was just outside the breakers. I could almost cast to it - I couldn't believe it - never seen one in that close before.

There have been stacks of whale sightings up here already this year! Awesome!


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