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A Quiet Day On The Harbour


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Decided to hit the harbour for a lazy sunday afternoon.

Launched at Drummoyne boat ramp about 11:30 without having to wait too long and even got a car park .. good start. Get out of the bay and head past the Gladesy .. and its chop city .. havent seen that many boats on the harbour in aaages .... so with with me tinny getting bounced around a bit i decided we'd stay inside and fish west of the harbour bridge.

Tried flicking a few SP's (5" nucklear chicken gulp & 9" red/white sluggo) at various places (Goat island, balmain ferry wharfs, greenwich wharf, lane cove flats) for zilch, not even a tap.

Anchored and berleyed up near greenwich wharf for half hour for no results (bait = prawns, whitebait, occy)

Anchored and berleyed up around the corner from balmain wharfs and pulled in 1 trevally, lost another larger one at the boat when i tried flipping him without the net and pulled in about 3 or 4 pinkies which were released.

Did another round of SP's for zilch again so called it a day at 4pm

PS .. good ol uncle trev (common silver trev) dont go too bad as sashimi ;)

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