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Blackie Fishing Old Mans Hat Sunday 14th


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Didn't end up going Kingie fishing on Saturday morning as planned so I was itching for a Blackie fish yesterday.

Went down to the garage to get my gear but couldn't find the key for the padlock. After a lot iof cursing and swearing looking for the key an obvious idea came to me. I grabbed a screw driver from the good old bottom draw in the kitchen (my tools are in the garage with my fishing gear) and simply unscrewed the latch from the garage door and hey presto, I'm in. Sweet!

Vindicated and relieved I went down trusty Old Mans Hat at midday to fish the outgoing tide.

Swell was up more than I thought and the wind was more easterly than northerly but it was still fishable with the tide going out. Looked good too with plenty of wash and suds.

Fished for almost 4 hours for NO result. Had a few unconfirmed downs and that was it.

The wind and swell made it pretty difficult to keep the float in the zone and the line taut.

However, conciliation was found reading everyone else's weekdend fishing report this morning.

Even Roberta seemed to share a similar fate hundreds of km's away.

Anyway I think we can all write the weekend off in the expectation that next weekend will be a ripper.


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Hi Dave

Shame about the no show for the blackies, annoying tho it was - did you even see any?? At least we see them up here & just get very frustrated at not catching the little mongrels!!! (in most cases, big mongrels!)

Sounds like your garage is too easy to break into!!!! Specially now that everyone knows how to do it!! :1prop:

Better luck next time! I'm off to Laurieton tomorrow to fish with Ross Hunter & Swordy - hope we can make a dent in the local fish population!



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