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Virgin Bass Outing


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Launched at the Nepean with my regular fishing partner Luke at 5.20am yesterday for my much anticipated first bassing adventure. Despite the excitement from the reports of the "bass fest" early in the week, I was sceptical about our chances targetting a new adversary and the reports of poor catch rates surfacing from Saturday on the river.

We motored up the gorge in the mist and both commented as to how BLOODY COLD it was. Finally with much anticipation we both started casting our lures at all of the likely looking snags, rock walls, weedbeds, structure, structure, structure, for not even a touch. It was starting to look like getting out of bed had been a waste of time and that this bass fishing was all a hoax...

About 9am we made a move quite a bit further up stream to a nice bend in the river which was still cast in shadow. We deployed our surface lures once more and out of nowhere a huge explosion on the surface which failed to hook up to Luke's jitterbug. With shaking knees and "f#@! did you see that?" Luke fired in another cast, followed by a surface explosion of equal intensity to the first, and came up tight to his first ever bass at 345mm.


Hi fives all round, a few choice words and a few quick pics and it was released. With new found enthusiasm we got back to it and not long after I landed my first bass also - all 150mm of it on a R2S bubble pop. A bit dissapointing compared to Lukes first but a bass none the less. A few casts later I smashed my PB by 50mm and landed a 200mm specimen :1yikes: .

We had to pull stumps at this stage, and would need to leave the upgrading to our next outing.

Cheers, Greg

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