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Port Stephens Broughton

Ray R

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Hi Raiders, well the Ray and Hutcho weekend to Broughton Island started of really badly, we woke to a south westerly blow that rip your whiskas off so outside fishing was canned. We thought that Hawks Nest just accross the bay would be okay but everywhere we went the wind was there, there was one semi sheltered spot which looked good and yes there were a few tasty flatties there, Hutcho's was 48 cm's mine were bit smaller. Anyway we packed up and went home hoping for a better day Sunday.. Hooray Sunday was great, we motored up to Broughton, and on my fisrt drop I scored a little reddie, he was only 33 cm's so we put him back hoping for something bigger, well after about 4 or 5 went back in we thought that we should keep a few so we took home 7 little ones all between 33 and 36 cm's, beautiful plate size, then Hutcho nailed a fair sized Morwong, and I finally got a decent 43 cm reddie, we got a heap Sargent Bakers as well okay to catch but thats it , they all went back in. We had given the spot a pretty good lashing so we headed back, on the way we stopped at a little island near the port entrance , threw a 5" berkley shad nuclear chicken into the wash and it got nailed by a kingfish , this ran my stradic with 2.7 kg braid on a berkley 7' Pro Tactic all over the front of the boat for about 5 or 6 minutes, he came up then took off again, it was so much fun, when he finally came up to the boat I saw he was a beautiful kingy about 50 to 60 cms, then in a flash he took off again and took my nuclear chicken with him, we were gonna photo and put back anyway. So there you have it we had fun in a new place to fish and we did catch a few fish, and the skipper Hutcho, did a superb job at the wheel.. Thanks for reading, hope it wasn't too boring.. Cheers Ray R and Hutcho 1....





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Nice fish there mate....

Hey i noticed that your boat is about the same size as mine, though i wouldn't have considered taking it that far out into the open water.... Does the boat handle the swell well or do you only go out when the seas are very calm???

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Nice fish there mate....

Hey i noticed that your boat is about the same size as mine, though i wouldn't have considered taking it that far out into the open water.... Does the boat handle the swell well or do you only go out when the seas are very calm???

Great fishing guys & Meee tooo ..... I have a 460 Quintrex aswell :1prop:

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Great fishing guys & Meee tooo ..... I have a 460 Quintrex aswell :1prop:

G'day Boys,

The boat is a 480 Coastrunner with a 90hp Mercury and we use it as an all rounder. It is fine to take outside when the conditions are right but I would certainly not be taking it out there in bad weather. I always make sure I check the conditions and the forecast before venturing outside and ALWAYS log on with the local Marine Radio channel. At Nelson Bay it is VMR Port Stephens. That said, although the conditions look great in the pic, the swell was around 1.5m to 2m I find it's not the swell so much as the wind which makes things difficult in a smaller boat. I have been really happy with this boat but you do need to be sensible about outside fishing. I've had quite a bit of experience over the years and you have to know when to go and when to whoa. Sometimes you have to settle for inside action as we did on the Saturday.

Regards, Hutcho

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yeah Broughton Island is a top spot.....reds available all year.....

did you fish the shallow gravel beds north west of the sisters????

well done on the nice catch

Hi Achillies, we were on the south side and near a few other boats , so we thought it must be okay there.

Don't know if it had a name but it was a good reefy gravelly bit, about 30m's. Cheers..

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