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Latest Morethan Branzino Rod ... Drool!


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Johnno - Must ... have ... rod! Goodbye left kidney - I always liked the other one better! :biggrin2: It's a disease I tells ya!

Netic - I think it was Thomas Paine who said, "What we obtain too cheaply, we esteem too lightly" ... if you buy this rod, you WILL love it! :biggrin2:

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Guest devilcool

i own the branzino rod morethan BRANZINO 87LML URBAN SIDE CUSTOM it was nice rod... i think it better than steez kingbolt.

planning to get this rod too .

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Guest devilcool

here the pic of the (urban side custom) rod and reel, first day landed in my front doors



reason getting the (day breaker custom) rod, coz it match much better with the morethan reel on the line class 12-20lb



Edited by devilcool
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