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St Clair Weekend


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ok finally getting back into it again anyway we arrived at st clair late friday night set up camp and crashed woke to a picture perfect morning day 1 hit the water at 530am started off fishn the surface for nothn switched to knols native and tn50 and its on bass to 470mm and yellas to 390mm never changed lures all morning all fish around the weed beds on the lake edge called it quits at 12 for lunch total 14 bass 2 yellas

arvo session 3pm till 7pm another cracking session fish not as big but plenty of them biggest going bass 340mm and yella gonig 360mm and a 2.6kg catty ugly thing once again most fish around the weed beds but did manage a cpl off the sticks total 16 bass 4 yellas 1 catty day 2 hit the water 5am decided to fish a section we found on day 1 well it didnt pay off looked like it had the goods but nuthn with time getting away we decided to fish the other end of the lake and this time it payed off sticking to the same lures we started hitting the sticks first and then moved on to the weed beds biggest bass going 410 and yellas going 380mm called it quits at 2 total 11 bass 3 yellas wat a great weekend just awsome to get back to the basics camping and fishn with great mates

and yes i smashed my bass pb well and truly :yahoo: and also my first yella so two pb's for the weekend.

boat ramp still covered in water so any 2wd can launch a boat no probs

if your thinkn of going up there for a weekend stop thinking and just go wat a beautiful place got more pics just gotta resize them

cheers mick






Edited by breamhntr
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