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Middle Harbour 13/14 October

Robbo 81

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hey guys, first report :)

went out to middle harbour sat night with miller in his boat and me and a mate in mine for the second time since it was finished.

spent the night catching bait, well i was busy playing around whilst miller racked up 20 squid in no time, I thought I better stop playing and get some bait up. I managed to get about ten then the tides changed and all the bait just stopped taking my jigs so decided to have a feed. not long after I realised my bait tank was not working. after a quick inspection I found my pump pick up had sucked in a plastic bag and all my squid had died. I can't stand people that throw there rubbish in the water :ranting2:

miller helped me rack up another 12 so I was happy in the end. So off to sleep.

I tide off to millers boat and woke to the 2 boats bashing together, I put a fair few scratches in his boat :ranting2: and a slight scratch in mine :ranting2:

off we went to a few spots.........NOTHING

off we went past the heads........NOTHING

off we went to a few favourite spots.........NOTHING

off miller went to check the crab traps.......CRAB FULL OF EGGS :ranting2: and 2 leather jackets :yahoo:

at the end we headed back, pulled the boats in and then miller manages to pull in a decent size bream at the boat ramp, and yes, I was :ranting2:

Even though we didn't get any kings it didn't bother me cause we all had a good day. I got alot more boating experience and we all took home a good feed of squid mmmmmmmmmm :1prop:

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HA ha the first reports always a hard one to make with no big results......then you realise that alot of your reports go that way :1prop:

Getting that amount of squid is still no mean feat and as they say get live squid and they will come!!!!! The kingies will be here soon!!!!!

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