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Nepean Bass

Mat Corra

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Hi Raiders

Last Saturday i was invited by Marty (Pops Punt ) for a fish at nepean river. We hit the ramp running at 5am and found a couple of likley looking spots and a few cast's later my line straightend an i was onto my first ever bass.

A good fight took place before it was netted.


In all my excitment i forgot to weigh the fish before releasing it. A new spot was chosen and using the same lure i was on again and i would be very suprised if the residence of penrith didnt hear me but this fish was 50cm +. As i eased the fish towards the boat to be netted it took one last dive and to my disapointment my not had let go on the quick release clip. :05:

I am now hooked on this type of fishing and cant wait till the next trip.

I would like to thank Pops Punt for a great day one i will remember for a long time. Also thanks to Watto for his lure advise

Cheers Mat

Edited by All Bard Up
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Congratulations on your first Bass.

I scored my first Bass only a month ago. Don't the buggers go for it when hooked. Scored them on spinners. What bait/lure did you use?

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Well done Mat... welcome to your new addiction. They certainly scare the SH1T outta ya when you first hook one!!!

Get down to WATTO's and check out the lures for Bassin' he's got heaps!!!

Anyways off to spool up with new line and then the Nepean here I come....


PJ Garn

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