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Taren Point Jewfish In Frenzy 31/10/07 Easterly Change & Barometer Rising.


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Report for Wednesday night 31/10/ 2007 specifally targetting jewfish at Taren Point bridge with a new member stuck for transport for his little boat, named Pocus and the new boat would be called pocus' hocus I thought he said.

Hi everyone,

It's good to see good old faithfull Captain Cook Bridge alive and firing again. So I decided to get all the info in this report back to our members.

I finished up taking a few photos on my mobile phone as my brand new camera has a switching over problem. It's a shame because I thought I got pretty good snaps of Pocus' fish handling techiques and of jewfish flashing their rainbows while smashing up the tailor swarm with tailor breaking up and fleeing and there were splashes and rainbows and heaps of surface action for members to see.

post-829-1193978254_thumb.jpg Alex (Pocus) :thumbup: get's onto his first ever jewfish



TIME OF JEW ACTIVITY : 2 AM one hour after still water down the top and lasting in the vicinity for an hour or so.

TYPE OF JEW ACTIVITY : Rainbows flashing everywhere just in front of Pocus' little boat while jew were busting up tailor and there were only a couple birds around.

The above info would suit our hit and run soft plastics blokes as it would give the jew school jew an alternative take against the speedy tailor. However I should point out that generally it seems there is a very narrow time window to work soft plastics at Taren Point jew. which generally make their run over thru Botany Bay on the run up tide and then shoot back out again before day break.

BAIT : Would not take tailor alive or filleted. Tricked the jew up on squid, caught earlier at the first pylon - Naturally no tailor were present then - Bait fish wouldn't cop the short back and sides haircut dished out by the squid (I don't mind a yankee army word war 2 short back and sides but will only cop that one again at specials seniors rates) so that will do for my bait presentation report on the night.

CONDITIONS : Barometer: Rising rapidly, this time with humidity and conditions condusive to leading towards a change the next day with a big possibility of rain later in the week as forcast .

Pocus, a fine style of a quietly spoken middle aged Argentian born Australian occa type of a good bloke named Alex, who needed a car with a tow bar after a hard luck story to get him into boat fishing.

Alex has a very inquisitive mind and asked me a lot of questions during the session. I was very pleased he got his first jew but it was rather unfortunate we lost a 12lb jew when Pocus held it back over the side to bleed it while it was on the gaff and the attempted knife cut shook it off my very sharp gaff :1yikes: and it quickly riggled away in the current and off it swam to freedom.

I had quite a few very hard runs but was unable to use the rod holders on the boat as they were the adjustable plastic ones which are too flimsy. They prevented me from using my very tight, head jolting hook up system as I prefer to use on dead baits and squid dead or alive.

Without any other rod holders I had to rest my jew rods against the sides of the boat on loose drag with my feet resting against the butts, so doing it this way set us up as candidates for a jew spit out.

After I dropped Alex back to Bass Hill at 5.30 am in the morning, I grabbed some bait and headed down to the special fishing walkway to fish on at Lugarno and was joined by Cungee George around 3pm had who brought some fresh squid back from Sydney. By 6pm we were joined by about a half a dozen regulars with big gear.

Earlier in the afternoon a couple of young blokes from overseas arrived with little rods and floats and began fishing off a little rock near the walkway. They came up to me with about half a dozen mini rock cod in a bucket, asking me if they are harmful as they were going to take them to show the kids. Turns out they didn't know fish species and regulations and I believe lack of knowledge about rules and regulations is part of the problem of some fishermen and women taking home undersize fish and fry etc

A South Easterly wind which began in the morning developed into a colder one and despite there eventually being over twenty rods along the jetty type walkway, there was no sign of a jew or a table fish and the only fish active were almost unidentiful reef freeks way up at Lugarno and even those were few and far between.

I notice our bait felt warm when we brought it back in to tidy up the hooks, so the water temperature of the recent warm days at that time of night had not been adversively affected by the coolder southerly spell in the lower reaches at that stage.

Cungee George is a good family friend of my wife Shirley, myself and Little Jewgaffer, my best fishing mate in the Georges and Botany Bay area and I hope my grass roots fishermen friends on Fishraider get a chance to meet Cungeee George and fish with him one day as George will pass on a few old Greek fishing tactics that are worth their weight in gold..


jewgaffer :1fishing1:post-829-1193978876_thumb.jpg A typical scavanger critter that hangs around bludging off jewfish, costing time and rigs

All in all it was a reasonable night on the Taren Point jew and Pocus is a very kind hearted bloke and his Italian mum in law should be congratulated for the tasty yearling steak Italian dish she prepared for us for breakfast :yahoo: . Thank you, it made my day for fishing on at Lugarno :yahoo:

post-829-1193981927_thumb.jpg I got in the snap of the happy thumbs up from you Alex and the first of many more jewfish I'm sure.


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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had a great time with jewgaffer. I learnt a lot of information about jewies & the Taren Point area. Jewgaffer gave me some great tips that I will always remember. It was the first time that I ever caught a jewfish, :yahoo: I was so excited & am glad that he was there to help me get my first jewie. All in all I had a great time & look forward to going fishing with him again. :thumbup:

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Nick I'll fish Botany Bay any time remember I can't L and R this Mustang until my back operation comes good. Just give me a ring Nick, I reckon we can get them off Botany and get a second shot at the Bridges a couple of hours later.

Cheers mate

jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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great stuff jewgaffer..

was a nice thing to see a newbie get into a jew...

and great details for all to learn from....

bet his adrenaline was pumping for hours :biggrin2: ....

shame about the lost one but thats fishing i suppose....

hope your back gets better real soon and you can get really stuck into em....

cheers mate....steve.....

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Hi Des. Apart from fishing there recently, I hadn't fished Lugarno land based much at all since I was a kid. I fished off the new walkway type platform and around the poles under the old boat shed next door to the Lugarno Restraurant but haven't had a chance to do much exploring of late.

Des are you referring to the cemented in rod holders on the square rock drive on platform on the Menai side ? Otherwise the rod holders at Lugarno could be further up along the rocks.

The Menai side where I fish for jew with a mate of mine who joined fishraider as Cungee George, his nickname, has rod holders which were cemented in between rocks by a Greek mate of his called Con, a local jew bloke who fishes there regularly.

I fished the Menai side only recently, that side gives a better angle for fish gathering down wind during a southerly change .

I have pulled jew out of there. Fishing in a boat around the moored boats midwater from the Lugarno restaurant is the way to go at night and that will be my next go at them down there as the Lugarno/Menai area is a good, relatively narrow stretch of water, and a natural thoroughfare.

Cheers Des

jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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