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after yesterday i was keen for a sleep in! but a couple of my good mates somehow talked me into a fish!i haven seen these guys for a long time and now find that a couple of guys have boats! so they fished an allnighter and i met them at the ramp and i scored a deckie!

so they ask where were going and i tell them the other side of moulinex to get bait follow me! when i pull up and cast anchor their scratching their heads! "what are you doing?" "wheres the shop" now im scratching my head! "oh your catching bait!"

so i teach my new deckie how to pull in some yakkas! and they say there going outside! i say im staying right here!

so straight to the downrigger! threw big schools of bait with big archs and my bait tapping them on the shoulder but today they would not take the bait! after a few laps scratching my head again!

so in the wards of jewjaffer or something similar! they dont want to play netball, so ill teach them rugby!!!

i sound out the big school and anchor up wind and let the wind drift us right on top of them and pop a yakka over the side! within 1 minute the rod folds over (24kg jig stick, torium and 30lb braid was awesome thanks fishfinder tony) i reef the rod out of the holder and pop he pulls a couple of clicks of drag! not after last time, i wack the drag up to lock and pop down goes the rod tip, i pull it up again wack down it goes again im dancing up n down the side of the boat with the rod bouncing up down up down! i get him to the boat and net him yehaaaaaaa!! new pb of 70cm!!! i turn to see my new deckie silent and looking a little like this :1yikes: ! and now he wants on!

we sound around again but the fish seem to have moved on! so we go get lunch quick drift for flattie when i start to feel the burn! lets go check moulinex!!!

so after a deckie swap! check the point nothing look around nothing, motor bit further down the wall! here we go!anchor up chuck out a yakka and again instantly the rod folds! so i strike tighten up the drag and say elton grab this rod! and he does and dances the same jig i had earlier! to chears from afar! he pulls in a 70cm king which he had no idea what was going on see he was asleep earlier and didnt know what a king was!!! :074:

we both end the day extatic!!!




Edited by wildfish
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Good on you Luke . A 70 cm PB is only the beginning :yahoo: I'm sure you'll see some whoppers come in this year for certain !!!! :thumbup:

Great to see you located the larger kings. I don't know about the netball and rugby though but I suppose the bigger kings scrum up a bit when you've got one hooked up. Maybe you should have a trebble on a teaser and another trebble hanging off a spinner bait so that you'll catch the whole front row and then you'll only have to drop kick the hooker back to where he came from. :D

Cheers and Congratulations Luke !!!!!!!!!!!!

Can't wait to see Russ's Sunday report, he has been be doing a lot of study lately, studying empty kill tanks and getting angry so he will surely crack something soon.


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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i sound out the big school and anchor up wind and let the wind drift us right on top of them and pop a yakka over the side! within 1 minute the rod folds over (24kg jig stick, torium and 30lb braid was awesome thanks fishfinder tony) i reef the rod out of the holder and pop he pulls a couple of clicks of drag! not after last time, i wack the drag up to lock and pop down goes the rod tip, i pull it up again wack down it goes again im dancing up n down the side of the boat with the rod bouncing up down up down! i get him to the boat and net him yehaaaaaaa!! new pb of 70cm!!! i turn to see my new deckie silent and looking a little like this :1yikes: ! and now he wants on! --------------------------

---------check the point nothing look around nothing, motor bit further down the wall! here we go!anchor up chuck out a yakka and again instantly the rod folds! so i strike tighten up the drag and say elton grab this rod! and he does and dances the same jig i had earlier! to chears from afar! he pulls in a 70cm king which he had no idea what was going on see he was asleep earlier and didnt know what a king was!!!


Great story Luke. I just had to read it over again !!! There is a lot to pick up on here with the methods you used and I simpy couldn't let the candid points that come out of your effort go unnoticed, I wouldn't say innocent or naive for want of better words and it's really helpful stuff for members who are not familiar with fishing for kingfish.

There's a moral to your story, a real moral to the whole excercize in fact and some very valuable information on how to target and play kingfish comes out of it and quite well demonstrated at that !!!

Firstly "anchoring down wind" ----- ( or down current ) !!

(24kg jig stick, torium and 30lb braid was awesome thanks fishfinder tony) - No mucking around here Luke with the correct gear like that you're the boss not them !!, and you still get plenty of fish playing fun !! Give that species no quarter !! No leverage for the big ones, you're in charge not them, no need for the no brainer of using inferior gear, that gear gives a far better style for the true sport in kingfishing which is cushioning them on a good rod and not letting them run anywhere on too small a reel and not losing them on undersize line !!

They have plenty of room to run about in the rod bends !! No bust offs here on kings !! No fifty yards runs to foul up in the same structure they dwell in ! The lighties still tighten up and so do you, but they're run around a marker or taken under the boat and restricted to fishing one rod at a time, but you're not with proper kingfish gear like that !!

Anyway you can still have fun on a fly rod but with thirty pound braid and a bigger reel on it and play kingfish properly to get the same leverage without all the hard luck stories and bust offs !!

not after last time, i wack the drag up to lock and pop down goes the rod tip,------ !!!!

![/b] --------------------------

---------check the point nothing look around nothing, motor bit further down the wall! here we go! ----- Luke those bigger older codgers sit back and let the little frollicking schools feed first. Proved it for years and expect to find them in groups down deeper away from the current activity as though thet're non plussed by it at the time. The warm currents and the run in can often bring schools in close around inshore cliff faces more so than Molineaux in north easterlys in the run in.

The big kingfish had been regularly caught off Maroubra rocks by a group of landbased blokes who always started off just before dark almost at the top of the run in.

So the moral of the story is just as you did, do something different with a little bit of positional thinking to locate the big ones, as, given the new sizes and them having good knowledge of the average sizes of schooled up kingfish, when they set the original minimal sizes, we have to figure a bit harder to locate the larger groups, the scouts and the loners, so looking at your report Luke it won't be all that long until you get onto the big kings, like the fifteen and twenty kilo sizes that come in to Sydney when conditions improve every week like they have been this year.


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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thank you peoples was a great day! now i have a few more mates hooked on kingies!

ive taught them how to read the sounder!when you see the mcdonalds arches that means fillet of fish! :074:

and yeah im glad their taking yakkas cause i havent got the squid figured yet! i just cant bring my self to really search for the squid when the kings are waiting for me!

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