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Brisbane Water Cranking Again


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Hey everyone, you may remember my post of my personal best flattie of 80cm from the woy woy area-

well today i didn't actually beat it, i got another 80cm monster!!!!! HA HA!!!!

This one was caught on a 5" jerk shad poddy mullet around rip bridge.

Also caught a 51cm, 42cm, and 4 other legals............ plus ........ my new PB bream at 40cm..... wait for it... on the same 5" jerk shad!!!! I never picked a bream to hit a plastic like that.

So great day on the water, the old lady went back to the depths to keep breeding, we got a good feed of flattie's, and my newly modified tinnie ws a dream ( the details in boating forum soon to come)

One other thing i'd like to add- i am gettin so sick of seeing people taking bucket loads of undersize fish. I am seriously considering getting a fishing inspector uniform and making them put them back. I think we all need to be bold and let people know where they're goin wrong.

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