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First Flatty For Cattfish


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What can I tell ya? less than a week after my story of frustration over at Rushcutters I've gone and landed me first Flathead :yahoo:

The mrs and I rocked up at about 5pm Saturday just for a couple of hours. We had a rod each to keep us entertained with the small stuff and we chucked out another 2 rods with bigger baits for anything juicy that might be swimming past. We were bringing in plenty of small snapper and Bream and I thought I would check the baits on the other rods.... As I slowly lifted the first rod to check the Bait (whole cooked/peeled prawn) BANG :1yikes: FISH ON..... and it is considerably bigger than the small Snapper that we've been messing about with.... could it be?.... it is..... FLATHEAD ON! (This might seem a little over the top but I have put in a lot of time and effort recently for poor results and the prospect of catching an average flatty was terribly exciting)

Half way in and the cheapo reel starts playing up :ranting2: after a short fight with fish...... and tackle.... he's in.... you beauty.. seconds after touching dry land the line snaps..close one!!

Took some cracking photo's and sent him back to put on some weight. In all the excitement I didn't measure him, I know it isn't a monster like some of the fish I've seen on here but I was overjoyed none the less.

post-5941-1195428638_thumb.jpg post-5941-1195428656_thumb.jpg

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Well done, Cattfish

Great report. So glad you got a beautie!! That was real nice of you to put him back, too!

Hey! You are allowed to get excited .... you could have lost him on a couple of occasions, according to your report, so GET EXCITED! I still get excited with every fish I catch - whether a keeper or throwback! The day I am not excited would be the day to give it up, I reckon!



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A good first flatty,well done mate!Grab yourself a couple of small but good quality reels for your outfits

they dont have to cost you too much,you will enjoy catching fish alot more & most importantly they wont let you down when a serious fish comes along.



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A good first flatty,well done mate!Grab yourself a couple of small but good quality reels for your outfits

they dont have to cost you too much,you will enjoy catching fish alot more & most importantly they wont let you down when a serious fish comes along.



sound advice Steve.... I'll put them on me Christmas list.

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Quality fish Catfish.. nice to see you put him back. Bloody good on the table at that size!! :1prop:

Cheers Ceph,

Bought meself a squid jig the other day, would I be waisting my time LB over at rushcutters? Or could you suggest somewhere? :wacko: never caught one.... would love too.



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Great flatty for your first one mate...

As for the squid, you can get them almost anywhere you can find kelp...

Best times are dawn and dusk but you can get them pretty much anywhere at anytime...

Try and concentrate your efforts a couple of hours either side of high tide if possible as this seems to be the most productive time...

There are some great threads on the forums about squidding so do a search and you'll come up with a heap of good info...

Good luck!




Edited by Tony Soprano
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Great flatty for your first one mate...

As for the squid, you can get them almost anywhere you can find kelp...

Best times are dawn and dusk but you can get them pretty much anywhere at anytime...

Try and concentrate your efforts a couple of hours either side of high tide if possible as this seems to be the most productive time...

There are some great threads on the forums about squidding so do a search and you'll come up with a heap of good info...

Good luck!




Top Banana Tony

thanks for the tip..... watch this space..

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