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The Banks


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hi guys. went to the banks on sat and sunday and this is how we went.

saturday:first drop and the tld30 with a livey goes off. 10-15minutes later a stingray of about 30kg is sucessfully captured and realised by dad(jaketwo).back to the spot we go and next drop sees a double hookup on big trevs both of whitch were around 50cm. it continued like this for around an hour with 10 fish from 45-55cm landed.on our way in due to sea conditions we saw what we all agreed looked like a 3-3.5m tiger shark only a few hundred meters from the banks.

sunday:left first light to see another shark not as big in about the same spot.first drop and my brother jake landed a 45 cm trev and not long after i landed 2 trevs one at 50cm and one at 60cm. when we left jake had four tevs between 40-50cm i had three a 50,60and62cm and dad had 1 at 50cm. we also landed 2 kingfish to 62cm on the troll.

heres a pic of my fish sorry about the quality it was taken from a phone.post-5114-1195450686_thumb.jpg

cheers matt.

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