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hi raiders :1fishing1:

all cabbage and weed has just about died off on the rocks . it looks like snow over the whole platform

good in a way, the blackies will get hungry :biggrin2:caught 1blackie lost 1drummer [nearly had him in but hook pulled out :ranting2: yesterday]

this morning fished the rising tide for 2 nice bream lost 2 others on chicken breast

a lot of bream around the rocks and beaches at the moment

great catch by sails [cam] :thumbup: check his post

peter :1fishing1:

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Top effort on the bream, Peter - shame about that drummer getting off at the last moment!

We are lucky here - some of the cabbage has browned off & going a bit white, but we can still access plenty! Haven't tried the wall for a while now - just when the water was clearing after all the rain we had about 10 days ago, it has started to rain again!! :( Hopefully not for too long .... I want to get back to Spot X where I caught my big one this time last year! :1prop:

I like the thought of them getting hungry! :thumbup:

Cheers for now


Cam had a great trot, eh??

Edited by Roberta
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Great results on the bream Peter. I fished with a piece of cooked chicken skin one time when I had no prawns to catch bait to start off with and small pieces of the skin hung on extra well and the same bait could be used again after quite a few hookups. Friends of mine used fresh chicken thigh meat with parmesan cheese on bream and when we were up at the Entrance one day it actually outperformed Hawkesbury prawns.

Jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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Hi Peter. Most fishermen would be over the moon if they got results in succession like that !!

Bream are everywhere, but to catch fish of those sizes consistently is the most difficult challenge for almost anyone targetting bream.


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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Hi Peter,

what a great catch you have there, well done. It must have been fun pulling them in.!!

I must try the chicken breast sometime, it sure does seem to do the trick, and easier to catch than worms!



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hey mate... you have got to be happy with a catch like that! nice bream there.

I have found that silverside steak actually does better than chicken gut, especially in the muddier rivers such as the Georges. The bait holds on the hook long enough for the big bream to come along and hit the bait.

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hahaha peter If only I had your kind of luck with chicken breast down at Botany.

Went off to Botany Bay about a week ago armed with chicken breast, nothing, one small bite here n there other than that, just bait fish nippling it away. The jellyfish were unbelievable though, tentacles practically hooked up the whole line, awful stuff.

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