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Fishing With Another Old Buddy


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Hi guys

Another old buddy from Sydney was passing thru, so we teamed up for a fish this morning at Tuncurry. Kerry is 83 & I used to play Squash with him over 20 years ago! He loves his blackie fishing too, & brought up an old rod with an even older Avon Royal reel on it! One handle has fallen off & the other one is about to ....& the reel is bolted to the rod, as the reel seat was playing up some time back! Half of the runners look like they are ready to fall off too, as the threads are all broken & about to unravel! But he catches fish! He loves to go to Bradleys Head & fish there.


But I digress - I managed to find some fresh weed this morning (a bit soft, but not too bad) and Keith had harvested some cabbage for me yesterday. Went to the jetties, where I figured it would be better for Kerry - no rocks to clamber over, & the pole on the right doubles as a seat! Very comfy spot to fish.


We had not been there long when another local arrived & informed me of fellow blackie fisher & local identity, Noel's passing yesterday. Very sad, but not unexpectedl, as he had had a stroke a while back. So we wet a line in his honour - just a shame we weren't able to hook up.

We all set about fishing, but we all left virtually empty handed - tho not for want of trying!

We both fished 2 hooks, to try & find the level the fish may be at, but apart from lots of small downs & lots of bait nibbled, Kerry got the only definite down that he actually felt the weight of the fish, but it got off! :(

I could see the mullet marauding, so put some bread on & managed to entice one onto the hook - he is now in the freezer for my next worming expedition - and then I even resorted to using plastics! Unfortunately, I was only using light leader & I tossed it right onto some oysters & got busted off .... one of my favourite prawn rigs, too - no longer available!

:1badmood: If I go back at low tide, I may be able to retrieve it! ;)

Ne'er mind - we enjoyed each other's company & have promised to get together in Sydney when I am down next - when I also return his rod, which I have promised to rebind for him! I look forward to trying it out at Balmoral jetty!



Edited by Roberta
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