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Mo Bro Bags A Tailor


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Had a fish tonight in the backyard (Narrabeen Beach). The tailor came on the chew after dark and ended up bagging this 60cm fella. The pic is a beauty. I have discovered a new talent this month: mo growng. 1st thing december 1 though, off she comes.



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Now that mo and beard is a top jew fisherman's look Andrew, years younger than your avatar wearing the old red lodge cap. Your new look really suits ! It's sort of like the opposite number to the moosh of a jewfish. Don't be surprised if we hook up heaps of jew up at Hawkes next time, just have to get Mike Zenman to sport a determined mo like mine, that's all that's needed I reckon, the rest will just fall in to place. :D


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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Had a fish tonight in the backyard (Narrabeen Beach). The tailor came on the chew after dark and ended up bagging this 60cm fella. The pic is a beauty. I have discovered a new talent this month: mo growng. 1st thing december 1 though, off she comes.



Bugger the mo, just let me at that 60 cm model. I can see that on my lil old rod and then sizzling in my fry pan. Things are really startin' to look up out here on the beaches. I can see me gettin yelled at alot this summer. :wife:

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