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Narra Lakes


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hi raiders

after reading robertas post big tides +big moon = big fish had to give the lake a go early this morn

picked some good weed at mona rocks started raining as soon as i arrived at the lake

the tide was allready running so i fished the eddies on the dropoff under all the floating rubbish weed, flotsam etc. ended up 1 undersize blackie , 1 bream on weed ,2more blackies 35 and 30 and very wet

the fish were all under the cover of the flotsam just like the dolfin fish

peter :1fishing1:

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Hi Peter

Well done on getting a feed! It'll be Frozen fish for us tonight!!

You won't believe it - it has been bright & sunny all day up here! ! NOt a hint of rain!!! I went out in the yak this morning & am not long back!!!

Had a go round the leases - put them all back but busted off by a couple of nice ones!!

They also preferred the weed to the cabbage! So much for my "Big Tide + Full Moon = big fish!" It seemed to be the go last week as we approached the full moon! I'll put the details in the Reports sectioN!

Lovely day on the water!



Edited by Roberta
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