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Harbour Rats


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After many weeks of hearing glen say "the boats almost finished" i finally got the call that we were going out for an arvo session!

Knocked off work early and met glen at the boat ramp, via my local tackle store (to feed my serious plastic addiction) and picked up some "wave-worms" big 9" fat worm like suckers... ooh they look fishy!

Hit the water for a 'birthday fish' as it was Glens bday on the weekend.. Got round to THE spot and proclaimed "this is lookin' fishy" nicely overcast, low light and the current running with little wind..

Upon the third cast I felt the sharp take of a rat on plastic! Glen shouts "Im on" and we successfully boat two rats of about 60cm.. quick smile for the camera and back they go(pics to come soon) Both of us on, pulling drag, on the 'new' boat, for his birthday - doesn't get better than that!!

There were more kings lurking around the surface but none to take any of our offerings. Tried some squid & and fresh WA Pillies for nothing.

In all, a fun arvo with the harbour to ourselves!



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