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Sydney Harbour Session This Morning


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Finally made it out for a session in Sydney harbour.

Thats the only good bit.

Went to Little Manly in search of livies. caught a single squid and a heap of yakkas. Saw the little squids come up to the 2.5 jig but only very cautiously looked at them without striking.

Took the single live squid and put a 4/0 hook in the hood and 4/0 hook inbetween the eyes. 10 minutes later no squid to be seen. WTF?

searched and searched for kingies and found none, actually had a hard time finding any fish.

Came back with this single catch. No idea what it is but was around 55cm and a humungous mouth.

Anyone know what it is?


Skunga, need your help with learning how to find these kingies. Are you going out this Sunday morning?

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The fish you have there is a Sergeant Baker.. **CFD beat me too it**

I mean a fights-like-a-wet-sock baker haha - tastes like that too!

Yep, Heading out sunday morning - your welcome to tag along - give me a call.



Edited by skunga
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I hate Sarge's.....my cousin and I put the mocker on each other whenever we fish outside with a call of 'It's probably a Sarge!' when ever each of us hook up. Come to think of it, we even to do it in the estuary too....

I doubt you'd make it home from a trip out of Ulladulla Harbour without boating at least one of those suckers if bottom bashing...

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