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Trout Day Trip Over The Mountains


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went for a day trip over the Blue Mountains on Sunday with a rookie trout fishraider

left home at 4.00 am for the 3.2 hour drive

got to destination X and started up the track

the rookie couldn't believe the awesome scenery and the fact that there was fish availble for the taking

after seeing a few risers and a few leaps we both could not belive how easy this was going to be.

after an hour of trying an no luck at all the rookie finally hooks his first trout of his life a little brown

we contiued on through the bush and tried some other areas that looked promising but no luck

on the return we saw a big brown rolling in the water sufrace and then disappearing again, he did this a few times but was not interested in what we had to offer.

I waded out in the middle of the river and cast my little HB above a small rapid and worked it through and saw a lovely big rainbow bolt out of nowhere and smash it a few times but no bloody hook up :ranting2:

after a quick feed off down river we went for a flick and on my first cast I hooked a little angry brown

after another hour tramping throught the bush and trying likely looking spots we decided to call it for the day and start the long trip home.

wil be back when the water has cleaned up and slowed down a little.


Edited by Yes Dear
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shit thats an ugly rookie with his first trout. mayb his head was scaring the fish away........


looking forward to the next trip. im sure to spend alot more money this week on trout gear and camo clothing...... hahaha

maybe you should put your hands on a diet and make them smaller so the trout look bigger :074:

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Well done Mate,

Good to see you applied the blindfold on the trip down :074:

Only two little guys is still pretty good in flood conditions.

Where was that big rainbow? the same place as the last time I hooked the bastard :074:



yeh the blindfold method and he was driving :biggrin2:

the rainbow was further up the other way were the bank is high and bushy

I had to bash into the bank and slide down into the water and then walk up a bit to get in front of a little rapid.

the strength of the water flow was quite strong and the footing slippery

impossible to fly fish :thumbdown:

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Yes dear sure is nice scenery in a very peacefull and relaxing environment ! Even the baby trout on the thumb thinks the handsome bloke cuddling it must be it's mother :lol:


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

gezz thanks jewgaffer. dont know bout the handsome mother bit though :1prop::074:

yeh the blindfold method and he was driving :biggrin2:

the rainbow was further up the other way were the bank is high and bushy

I had to bash into the bank and slide down into the water and then walk up a bit to get in front of a little rapid.

the strength of the water flow was quite strong and the footing slippery

impossible to fly fish :thumbdown:

shit is that why my car has trees attached to the front and sides still>? i thought it was just dark. camo blindfolds hey

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