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Fishing Skinny Water For Blackies


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Hi guys

Quite a glorious morning, calm water & not too many boats around (always a bonus!)

Went out for a paddle this morning & I am trying new areas every time I go out now!! Previously I have paddled straight past these spots in the past! Sometimes, I may only be fishing in water that is less than .5m deep & the float only travels .5m as well, before getting a hit!! Up till now I have been trying the leases where the washboards are parallel to the water flow, but as I paddle past the other fences, you always see stacks of fish hiding there as well, so thought it worth a punt on them too! Only trouble is that there is only a tiny bit of water immediately in front of the fence that is deep enough to put a float in & it is even shallower than most other areas too! Some of these spots would fish better with the big high tides, rather than the smaller ones just now.

Exciting stuff, as you have to strike as soon as the float dips or they skunk you in the poles! Also a bit tricky, as the stopper knot is right on top of the float, so no 'free play' when striking! If you strike too hard, the float comes flying out of the water & past your ear! If you don't strike hard enough to set the hook, the fish gets off (as I did a couple of times!!)

I was in one lease & spotted a few nice fish hanging around under the gates .... so I snuck around & tied off to one of the poles & let the float go ....... YES! A nice 37cm blackie - he put up a good fight & I had to skulldrag him over an oyster rack, to get him into water that was deep enough for me to bring him to the yak & net him. Got a couple more about 28cm, put a few back & dropped a couple too!

Saw a bloke in a boat tied up to one lease & he was obviously fishing with heavy leaders, as he was fishing across one rack, & into the gully between it & the next rack!! I saw him pole one fish out & into the boat! He had a few in his keeper bag.

Just as I was returning to the main channel, it started drizzling & was raining pretty solidly by the time I got the yak onto the ute! Ne'er mind, I was going to wash my hair before going to the hairdressers anyway!

All up, lots of fun & I am learning new areas to fish all the time. They are there all year, so should be able to get a feed from time to time.



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Only trouble is that there is only a tiny bit of water immediately in front of the fence that is deep enough to put a float in & it is even shallower than most other areas too


Have you tried using a different type of float to the pencil ones. One of the small round ones that you can add water to may do the trick if it is that shallow.


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hi roberta

try without float just enough lead to touch the bottom 3ft trace let it wave about in the shallows

flat lead may be the shot to get the lead off the bottom plaining in the current making the weed or cabbagelook natural

good to see your getting a few

peter :1fishing1:

anchor up current about 20ft where the fish are

the black queen would be ideal for this way of fishing

Edited by luderick59
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THanks for that Peter - I have my little 'contact lens' case with flat lead & swivels in it, a great tip from one who knows ...... I have been doing all my fishing in the yak with the black queen - now I know it's capabilities, it is great fun! We have so much weed bed here tho - everything gets caught in it. However, there are a couple of sandy spots that I know there are fish around, so will try it there!



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