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hola fellow fishos....

i need some advice on fishing for blackies..

1) Cabbage - refers normal cabbage (from woolies!) or something else? (in that case, where to find them?)

2) Sinkers or Floaters?

Any advice is muchly appriciated! ;) ..

Thanks in advance! :thumbup:

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Hi ritchie,

this post is full of great info & stuff on catching blackfish/blackfish..


"cabbage" is generally collected of rocky platforms etc along the coast but can be got in harbour areas also and is leafy like the lettuce you eat... anyway read that post as me and roberta covered about all thats needed to catch em... if you need any more info let us know as there is quite a few gun luderick fishos on this site....

cheers... steve.....

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Hi ritchie,

this post is full of great info & stuff on catching blackfish/blackfish..


"cabbage" is generally collected of rocky platforms etc along the coast but can be got in harbour areas also and is leafy like the lettuce you eat... anyway read that post as me and roberta covered about all thats needed to catch em... if you need any more info let us know as there is quite a few gun luderick fishos on this site....

cheers... steve.....

Many thanks Steve!!!

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I wish you good get cabbage at Woolies... wuld make life a great deal easier. :thumbup:

Which area are you fishing Ritchie?

hahaha..good one! ... cabbage from woolies!! .. hahaha

im planning to go down to the Gladesville bridge this w'end..this'd be my first time there..hoping to catch a blackie apart from the ordinary bream and flatties.. :) any advice would be appriciated.. :beersmile:

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