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Decent Harbour Kingie "part 2" (+ Nice Lhi King )

the producer

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Hi everyone

I just read the all the replies and I was like ....blown away.

Thank you all for taking the time to reply to my post.

I check out the reports every so often and just check out the pics, but at the moment I am busy with work and off course i fish allot and if I had time to post stuff i would probably fish even more !!!!

The other thing is .......I fish by myself allot so I dont have good pics of all my fish. My wife says we have enough photos of fish so she never wants to take pics when i get home.java script:emoticon(':wife:',%20'smid_20') Shes probably right !.... because For the last 16 years i have worked mostly only weekend nights....... so .......you guessed it.... java script:emoticon(':thumbup:',%20'smid_18')I fished all week.

For those interested in what tackle etc...

I have slowly used heavier line over the past 10 years - I caught hundreds of small and medium kings up to 8kg on 10 kg mono until about 2000 and a few big fish lost forced me to change to 15kg mono. About this time braided lines started to get better but the knot strength was still low - this is no longer the case and modern braids are excellent. Over the past 5 years I been using both 15kg mono and Dyneema braids up to 80 lb. I have landed only 2 kings over 10kg on 15kg mono - its a tough job even when everything goes right. So last year After losing a fish exactly like the one here on 15kg monojava script:emoticon(':05:',%20'smid_2') I began to use my braid reels more and more. So to answer the "What line question" even though "hundgie" pretty much summed it up....... 60lb braid. I like berkley line my self both whiplash and big game mono.

As for trace.... I have recently changed from the harder coated ones with poor knot strength in 50lb( eg penn 10x ) to softer lines in 80lb.......they are less resistant to abrasion but have excellent knot strength - So you can put some serious pressure on em...........

I caught a similar size fish last year fishing beside Des from hookem & cookem and that was on a 6500 baitrunner. But this year I have been preferring overhead reels and that day i was using a penn 330 gti -a pretty cheap reel that anyone could afford.

As for rods ...........I take alot of novice anglers out and they get broken all the time java script:emoticon(':mad3:',%20'smid_14')so do you think I use expensive carbon rods.......... No way .....Just cheap fiberglass models - solid tips. under $100 each. Use a rod rated 15kg.

Dont let people ( even well known harbour charter guides ) Tell you yellowtail are no good. I have caught equal numbers of fish this size on yellowtail & squid. This fish was caught on a FRESH squid head. But yakkas are also excellent..... You dont need massive baits...... I prefer well presented medium size baits.

If anyone has any other questions drop me a note and I will answer them.

I have allot of weekday work at present so no spare time but will reply as soon as I can.

Now for those who like seeing these beasts here is a pic of another nice fish I got last year at Lord howe island. If anyone would like to catch big kingfish GO TO LHI. I can put you onto a great guide if anyone wants to go ............. My wife's father grew up on Lord Howe and her uncle runs the longest running charter business. You will have seen him on Rex hunt and ET etc etc.

Finally some questions from me. How do you enter fish of the month, and what is this kingy social ????


Andrew " The Producer "


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Hi Andrew and thanks for the update...You have answered a lot

of questions for Raiders in your above post. Thank you.

That LHI Kingy is Massive :1yikes: Must have been one hellava fight.

As for the Kingy Social...Details can be found Here

The Modern Fishing FOTM is our regular friendly "contest" with the winner receiving a

reel for his or her trouble.

Details can be found Here

Do enter the first fish as it must be caught in the month of the contest.

Keep those reports coming in as we all went wild when you posted that hoodlum.

The Social will be an excellent one this year with the harbour firing for kingies.

A big :1welcomeani: to the site and good luck on the fishing front.



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Well done Producer!! :thumbup:

It is all good common sense fishing advice. It is also great to read a report about catching quality fish using standard affordable gear. I tend to stop reading past the first couple of lines when a writer starts dropping names of reels like greek gods. All good gear no doubt and probably essential in an IGFA Tournament but I don't need to know what new reel was used for every salmon caught. You have shown here that they are not necessary. Still that's my opinion only and I'm sure there are many others who enjoy owning and sharing info about expensive gear. I wish them all well and hope they get another one for Christmas. I wouldn't say no.

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Well done Producer!! :thumbup:

It is all good common sense fishing advice. It is also great to read a report about catching quality fish using standard affordable gear. I tend to stop reading past the first couple of lines when a writer starts dropping names of reels like greek gods. All good gear no doubt and probably essential in an IGFA Tournament but I don't need to know what new reel was used for every salmon caught. You have shown here that they are not necessary. Still that's my opinion only and I'm sure there are many others who enjoy owning and sharing info about expensive gear. I wish them all well and hope they get another one for Christmas. I wouldn't say no.

Your quite right............I own plenty of expensive gear - 3 Tiagra 50's + 2 International 50's + Trinadads + Accurates( which are excellent reels ) + too many TLDS & other expensive reels to count + top shelf spinning reels and I find that if you pick your reels carefully and maintain them there are alot of cheaper reels on the market that will do the job. And I have had plenty of reels go overboard over the years so around the harbour I use GOOD QUALITY basic reels with a more reasonable price tag........ BUT when I go out wide and tackle serious game fish I need quality gear because long fights on big fish put allot of strain on the gear.

Some of my recommendations :

Penn make some great reels that are very affordable and durable - I have hammered them 3-4 days a week

for years and they still perform when you need them to.

Penn spinfishers 8500ss- try and get the older metal bodied models.

Penn 320 & 330 GTI - again the older models made in the usa are slightly better.

Penn are great for parts so buy them second hand ( cheap )and learn to maintain them yourself.

Shimano also do a great range of more affordable reels. - wait for the sales and get em even cheaper.

If you are new to fishing stick with level winds and try to buy medium sized or high speed reels that take a good amount of line with each turn of the handle.

happy fishing


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Hey Andrew

Those are two awsome Kingeys.

I thought it was you in the first pic but when I saw the hat and the sun cream in the next post and I am pretty sure it is you!

Do you remember a few years back around this time when some moron nearly knocked you off the boat ( Les the Director's Grady) with an ice bomb?

Hope you are keeping well.



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Penn make some great reels that are very affordable and durable - I have hammered them 3-4 days a week

for years and they still perform when you need them to.

Penn spinfishers 8500ss- try and get the older metal bodied models.

Penn 320 & 330 GTI - again the older models made in the usa are slightly better.

Penn are great for parts so buy them second hand ( cheap )and learn to maintain them yourself.


Couldn't agree more. I have 3 Penn 321 GtI's (Lefty version of the 320) with different weight lines spooled up and they are great. Easy to service, strong enough for an outside bash and light enough to hold standing up all day. I bought my first one here in Oz and the other two I had shipped over from US for less than half the price.

I also bought my father in law a 320 lever drag model as he was finding his 330 a bit too heavy to hold up all day. As far as I know the 321 is the best left hand wind overhead reel around and I'm too old to learn to wind the other way. Shimano and ABU make some smaller models but the Penn is the go for the lefties out there.

I have never been to Lord Howe but my father and his new wife featured on a tourist brochure a few years back (10 or so I think) after he caught a 10 kg model off the beach on a live poddy mullet on very light gear while on their honeymoon. A local saw them walking back to the digs with it over the handlebars of their pushbike and asked if he could photograph them for the brochure. The old boy said he walked up and down the beach for ages trying to tire the fish out before he could get it to the shore. Kingies are just great fish.

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now thats a king, and the scenery is awesome, would love to get upto LHI ,isnt that one of the main breeding locations for kingies at a certain time of year, also with the live yellowtail thing do you find them as good inside the harbours ive only got 1 king on yellowtail livie which was off the rocks, thanks 4 advice and great fish man that sydney 1 :1welcomeani:

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Penn make some great reels that are very affordable and durable - I have hammered them 3-4 days a week

Nice fish mate, well done. I just cant believe people get the time to fish 3-4 times a week!!! Wish I was that lucky...

Edited by RockHoppin
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now thats a king, and the scenery is awesome, would love to get upto LHI ,isnt that one of the main breeding locations for kingies at a certain time of year, also with the live yellowtail thing do you find them as good inside the harbours ive only got 1 king on yellowtail livie which was off the rocks, thanks 4 advice and great fish man that sydney 1 :1welcomeani:

I'm all the way with Andrew re: yakkas. Slimies even better. We get just as many hits on yakkas as squid, but the hookup rate is poor, as the fish can only swallow it head first. Kingis are adept at pinching yakkas clean off the hook. too many times have i retrieved a bare hook that once held a bridled yakka :1badmood: watch Al McGlashan's live baiting DVD you'll see exactly how they try to nail em from the head & pinch the bait with consummate ease!! If there's a FR odyssey to Lord Howe or better yet Three Kings in NZ, im IN, IN, IN :1fishing1:

Edited by Jigholio
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Andrew thanks for the updated info on your King catch

Some very good info on tackle that will handle the job

but not break the bank

I like your review of line type and breaking capacity

that has changed over your time of King fishing

A very informative post :thumbup:

Even if your :wife: doesn't, I liked the pics :biggrin2:

There are some very good posted for everyone on arming

yourself to catch a King by members lately, this has been

another one to review

Put the info to good use :thumbup:


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