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Nth Beaches


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G'day Raiders,

Haven't been on the site for a while now due to work commitments... :1badmood:

Rain, hail or shine, I will be going for a bash tomorrow morning....probably Narra or DY beach. Has anyone been out on the beaches lately? Any sambo's or tailor around?


Spizza :thumbup:

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  • 2 weeks later...

G'day Spizza, I fished Narra beach near the lake's entrance on Thursday night...as it got dark the dart and whiting were around but I found as soon as it got dark the sand crabs terrorised any bait presented...I landed one of them to prove it, but the little bugger was too small for the frying pan.

Nice night out though, had the gutter all to myself and my trusty mini esky full of Coronas.

I heard Roosterman mainly snared shovel nose sharks and rays...will have to catch up with you for a beach session soon Roosterman.



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