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Narra Lake Sesh.


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I've finally come over from the dark side!! (fresh bait I mean)

My neighbour knocked on the door this arvo and asked if I wanted to join him

in his tinny for a fish at Narra Lake...Never one to say no to a session on the old lake..

we launched at Jamieson Park and he brought along a pudding he had concocted

with bits and pieces of frames, fish bits, pellets and ultrabite. Hard to keep on the hook though.

We scored some smallish bream and a couple of tailor (all returned) and we decided we needed some whitebait and H'bury prawns to get into some


He dropped me off near the tacklo and I bought just enough for an hour or so.

Drifted at various spots for more underweight breambos and I managed one flattie around 45cm.

Ran out of bait fairly quickly and I brought along 2 buckets of Berkley Gulp Alives to blood myself

off bait...This is the only way I was ever going to break my lifetime habit of using bait.

Tried the 4" Swimming Mullet in Chartreuse first off for not much at all..just the odd picker.

Switched over to the other bucket of 3" shrimp in pearl white and almost immediately was snaffled by

a 48cm lizard...yippeee says I :yahoo:

Nothing much after that as the tide had turned and the water became dirty again after being as clear

as a swimming pool on the incoming.

So I have finally cracked the code of using placcies and will persevere again on my next outing

and this time..I won't take any fresh bait at all.

This is the third time I have tried the Alives..first 2 sessions turned into donuts and switched over

to whitebait...Not any more.

The poor old bloke at the bait shop is in for a lean year I suspect now :074:

No pics sorry as I didn't take the camera today...Maybe that was the key.

Dinner tomorrow night (beer battered fillets) will taste sweeter knowing one was caught using

something other than a "natural" bait.

Old habits die hard but this old habit is now history!!



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Thanks fellas..It was quite a learning curve today.

I haven't been fishing much lately due to looking after :wife: duties,

but am aiming to do a lot more this coming year and with

my new found placcie knowledge...it looks to be a lot of fun.



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well done i too have recently started to use placcies and have had great results on the flatties, im not looking back its plastics and live baits for me from now, i love the way they attack the lures as if they were livies and im not missing the old pick pick pick from the small fish, hooked into 9 flatties wading the flats up your way a couple of weeks ago with a by catch of 3 legal bream thats the sesh what changed my mind with the placcies, leave the bait at home and persist with em.

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Hi all

I myself have started using berkley gulps, i have been using the 3" pumpkinseed minnow with excellent results, getting nice flathead nearly every outing. Would love to use them at narra lake as that place can fish really well at times. 20yr ago we used to drift along the tea trees in the upper reaches and lure cast with floppies, rebel crawdads and flatfish to name a few, with great results catching bream, flathead and 1m long toms, great sport and catch and release. :biggrin2:


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Pete congratulations on cracking the SP's with a nice Flatty :thumbup:

Were you still using the rusty safety pin or did you try a jighead this

time :074:


Funny...I actually left my jigheads at home by mistake, so threw the SP onto

a regular long shank I was using for the whitebait. Still worked a treat on the flattie..he

gulped it way down deep and I had a battle retrieving it.

Next time...the jigheads go in the kit first.



(gonna mail Stumpy my old rusty safety pin just the annoy him :074: )

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About bloody time Pete :yahoo: no more bait gathering for you my good man,2 pkts of gulps and off ya go and I bet you catch more flatties than you ever did before because you are constantly moving and casting and covering so much more water.

Well done mate !!!!! :biggrin2:

Cheers Stewy

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Well done Pete - just perservere & you'll never look back! Better still, you can just leave the stuff in your boot & be ready to fish anytime, anywhere! No more smelly bait to worry about - what with using sp's for bream & flatties (not that I am any good yet at bream...) & fishing with weed for blackies, we have no real need for bait at all, at all!!

As Kilacarp says, leave the bait at home & only take sps & a variety of sizes in the jig heads. I use a surprisingly larger jighead (Mr Twister) for the depth of water here (perhaps it kicks the sand up a bit more) for success with the flatties & prefer the larger sps ... usually Squidgies, silver fox 100mm.

Look forward to hearing of your next successful outing with sps



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Well done on the flatty. I love hearing about a session where someone throws everything at it. I get a huge buzz everytime I hook up on a plastic, more so than bait for some reason.

Being on leave from work at the moment, I've been hitting the lake quite a bit lately. Having recently modified my approach, I haven't been home without a flatty for dinner in the last week (which is doing wonders for keeping the :wife: off my back about my worsening fishing obsession!).

I've been using live poddy mullet with great success, and rather than spending hours wading around catching undersized bream and feeding the "pickers", I've caught nothing but good flatties and legal bream. I feel like I've had my own little epiphany/ breakthrough (and can't stop bragging about it!) I find get the same "better" quality fish when using the plastics, and seem to avoid the constant undersizers...

Anyway, cheers for another awesome report :biggrin2: - I've thoroughly enjoyed reading them.

Edited by g.t.
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Pete I just found this thread I must of had a mental blind spot.

Whilst I have been using the sps for a while now I refuse point blank to make them the sole means of fishing.

They aren't called atrificial bait for nothing.

Stay with Bait.

Dont move.

Dont fall into the trap................................................

Stay strong brother


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