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Beach Fishing Pt Stephens


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hello fellow raiders.

this is my first post on the site, i've been an avid fan for a while and have found the information that the fellow raiders have given to be fantastic, especially that on SP fishing.

I'm heading up to Nelson Bay for a few days and was wondering if any raiders could share their knowledge on the beach fishing up there. Fished there in the past but have had some good sessions and some bad sessions, probably more bad than good. taking the young fellow for his first taste of beach fishing. any info would be very much appreciated.

happy new year to all


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Try the beach at Fingle Bay. Start at the surf club house & check out likely spots heading Nth towards the sand spit.

I have heard there is a place along the beach called Green Hill. Have not fished it myself so unable to report.

The western end of Shoal bay is worth a try for whiting

Have a word to the owner of the tackle store opposite the large supermarket in Nelson Bay. I think the tackle store is called Steggies

Have a good holiday


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Hi all

As geoff said it can be hot or cold, Fingal Beach is a good producer of Jewfish, Bream, Flathead,whiting and fishcakes i mean Salmon. It mainly fires with a bit swell but can produce fish at any time. At the moment there are a few Jewies being caught and some very big bream on most beaches.

The rocks south of Fingal are hard to fish unless you use a float as it has a very rough bottom, the rocks at the end that look like small cliffs and head out towards the east are better as a big cast will get you to gravel and sand bottom where i have caught excellent Snapper. Not for kids though.

Inside the Bay try the end of the breakwall on a runout tide and let the current take your bait into the eddy, this is a good spot for Jew and Snapper and is snag free. Try fresh squid or live baits.

Try spinning with berkley gulp 3" pumpkinseed minnow on any beaches inside and outside the bay and you will catch Flatties. This is what im doing at the moment and it keeps you fit as you keep moving after each cast.

Im new to this site myself and have only started posting this morning , This is a great site just what i have being looking for. The silver Trevally on my avatar was caught inside the marina under the patrol boats and was small compared to the other 30 that swim in front and tease you. you can try for the kingies that live under there but i gave up after 15 staight bustoffs and a melted spinning reel. Have also caught many big big bream there, no weight and light line is the secret, hope this helps


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hello raiders,

got back from Pt Stephens last night, had some great weather first few days and then it cooled down.

On the fishing scene headed out to Fingal Bay spit and landed 8 keeper whiting on worms, advised to try there by local takle store. Flicked some SP's off Dutchies late one afternoon landed 2 flatties both just under size.

had a snorkel at the aquatic reserve with the kids, the size of some of the bream want to make you cry, anyway had a great time up there with the family, not the first time i've been there but good to get some feed back from people who fish there regurly. going back with some mates soon and may try Boat Harbour.



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